Søk: 'Dynamic Optimization and Differential Games'
People, performance, and pay: dynamic compensation for changing organizations
ISBN 9780028740591 , 1996 , David A. Hofrichter, Thomas Patrick Flannery,m.fl.
Atlas LSAT Logic Games Strategy Guide
ISBN 9780984054909 , 2009 , Atlas LSAT Prep
Games for Information Skills
ISBN 9780931510069 , 1983 , Margaret R. Tassia
Practical Financial Optimization: Decision Making for Financial Engineers
ISBN 9781405132015 , 2008 , Stavros A. Zenios, Harry M. Markowitz
An Introduction to Differential Manifolds
ISBN 9781860943553 , 2003 , Dennis Barden, C. Charles Benedict Thomas
Adaptive Layout of Dynamic Web Pages
ISBN 9781586031893 , 2001 , Alexander Kröner
Level Designs for Games: CD-ROM
ISBN 9780321375971 , 2006 , Phil Co
Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems: Computing and Modeling
ISBN 9780133820942 , 1996 , David E. Penney, C. H. Edwards, Jr.
Finite difference schemes and partial differential equations
ISBN 9780412072215 , 1989 , John C. Strikwerda
Dynamic Issues in Commercial Policy Analysis
ISBN 9780521641715 , 1999 , Richard E. Baldwin, Joseph F. Francois
Introduction to dynamic systems: theory, models, and applications
ISBN 9780471025948 , 1979 , David G. Luenberger
Schaum's Outline of Differential Equations, 4th Edition
ISBN 9780071824859 , 2014 , 4. utgave , Richard Bronson, Gabriel Costa
Student Solutions Manual to Accompany Boyce Elementary Differential Equations 10th Edition and Elementary Differential Equations with Boundary Value Problems 8th Edition
ISBN 9780470458334 , 2013 , 10. utgave , William E. Boyce, Richard C. DiPrima
Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems: Computing and Modeling
ISBN 9780135182260 , 1995 , David E. Penney, Charles H. Edwards
Fun and Games: A Text on Game Theory
ISBN 9780669246032 , 1992 , Kenneth George Binmore
Online Multiplayer Games: Synthesis Lectures on Informaiton Concepts, Retarieval, and Services
ISBN 9781608451425 , 2010 , Gary Marchionini, William S. Bainbridge
Border games: policing the U.S.-Mexico divide
ISBN 9780801448102 , 2009 , Peter Andreas
Calculus and Analytical Geometry with Linear Algebra and Differential Equations
ISBN 9780877786351 , 2001 , Edwards
Games, Threats and Treaties: Understanding Commitments in International Relations
ISBN 9781855674882 , 1998 , Jon Hovi
A Class of Algorithms for Distributed Constraint Optimization
ISBN 9781586039899 , 2009 , A. Petcu
Modeling and Control of Discrete-event Dynamic Systems: With Petri Nets and Other Tools
ISBN 9781846288722 , 2007 , MengChu Zhou
The Dark Side of Games Texturing
ISBN 9781592003501 , 2004 , David Franson
Introduction to Partial Differential Equations and Hilbert Space Methods
ISBN 9780486612713 , 2003 , Karl E. Gustafson
Numerical Methods for Elliptic and Parabolic Partial Differential Equations
ISBN 9780387954493 , 2003 , Peter Knabner, Lutz Angermann
Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems: International Student Version
ISBN 9780470398739 , 2008 , William E. Boyce
Communities of Play: Emergent Cultures in Multiplayer Games and Virtual Worlds
ISBN 9780262516730 , 2011 , Bonnie A. Nardi
Numerical Solutions of Partial Differential Equations
ISBN 9783764389390 , 2008 , Silvia Bertoluzza, Silvia Falletta,m.fl.
Partial Differential Equations III: Nonlinear Equations
ISBN 9781441970480 , 2010 , Michael E. Taylor
Partial Differential Equations with Numerical Methods
ISBN 9783540887058 , 2008 , Stig Larsson, Vidar Thomee
Nonlinear Ordinary Differential Equations
ISBN 9780849386077 , 1991 , R. Grimshaw