Søk: 'English for International Negotiations: A Cross-Cultural Case Study Approach'
Mathematics for Engineers: A Modern Interactive Approach
ISBN 9780132051569 , 2008 , Anthony Croft, Tony Croft, Robert Davison
Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Clinical Case Approach to Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Treatment
ISBN 9780792387725 , 2002 , M. Campieri, Claudio Fiocchi, S.B. Hanauer,m.fl.
Marketing Management: A Relationship Approach with Marketing in Practice Case Studies Dvd
ISBN 9781405810197 , 2004 , Svend Hollensen
Cultural Mobility: A Manifesto
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English as a Global Language
ISBN 9781107611801 , 2012 , David Crystal
English for International Tourism Class Cassettes 1-2 Intermediate
ISBN 9780582479852 , 2004 , Peter Strutt, Miriam Jacob, D. Horner
The History of the Genitive in Swedish: A Case Study in Degrammaticalization
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@cross: workbook
ISBN 9788204116987 , 2006 , Drew Rodgers, Knut Skifjeld, Celia Sandor,m.fl.
Mathematics for Engineers: A Modern Interactive Approach
ISBN 9781408263235 , 2010 , Anthony Croft, Robert Davison
Express Series: English for Legal Professionals: A Short, Specialist English Course.
ISBN 9780194579155 , 2009 , Andrew Frost
A Global Round of Negotiations: A Challenge for the Rest of Our Century
ISBN 9780819158888 , 1983 , Rdiger Von Wechmar
Access: English for engineers
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Grammatical Categories and Cognition: A Case Study of the Linguistic Relativity Hypothesis
ISBN 9780521566209 , 1996 , Judith T. Irvine, Bambi B. Schieffelin,m.fl.
Cross-cultural Business Behavior: Negotiating, Selling, Sourcing and Managing Across Cultures
ISBN 9789147077229 , 2005 , Richard R. Gesteland
Doing English: A Guide for Literature Students
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Cross-cultural business behavior: marketing, negotiating, sourcing and managing across cultures
ISBN 9788763000932 , 2002 , Richard R. Gesteland
Case study & computing: advanced qualitative methods in the study of human behavior
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Reception Study: From Literary Theory to Cultural Studies
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Modernism: A Cultural History
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English grammar: an introduction for students of English as a foreign language
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Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in International Law
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Cultural studies and the study of popular culture
ISBN 9780748618095 , 2003 , John Storey
Case study & computing: advanced qualitative methods in the study of human behavior
ISBN 9781567501285 , 1995 , Robert Walter Lawler, Kathleen M. Carley
A new family: conversion and ecclesiology in the early Church with cross-cultural comparisons
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Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach
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Cultural History: A Concise Introduction
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Electronics: a systems approach
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Computer Networking: A Top-down Approach
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Experiential Approach to Organization Development: International Version
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Case Studies in Festival and Event Marketing and Cultural Tourism
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