Søk: 'Environment and History: The Taming of Nature in the USA and South Africa'
Voices of protest: social movements in post-apartheid South Africa
ISBN 9781869140892 , 2006
From farce to metadrama: a stage history of The taming of the shrew, 1594-1983
ISBN 9780313243264 , 1985 , Tori Haring-Smith
Anthropology, Politics, and the State: Democracy and Violence in South Asia
ISBN 9780521777469 , 2007 , Jonathan Spencer
Colonial Space: Spatiality in the Discourse of German South West Africa 1884-1915
ISBN 9783718651672 , 1992 , J.K. Noyes
The Return of History and the End of Dreams
ISBN 9781843548126 , 2009 , Robert Kagan
Perspectives on Africa: A Reader in Culture, History, and Representation
ISBN 9781444335224 , 2010 , Roy Richard Grinker, Christopher B. Steiner,m.fl.
The Denial of Nature: Environmental Philosophy in the Era of Global Capitalism
ISBN 9780415724746 , 2015 , Arne Johan Vetlesen
Democracy and Dictatorship: The Nature and Limits of State Power
ISBN 9780745619125 , 1997 , Norberto Bobbio
The Falklands and South Georgia Island
ISBN 9781740596435 , 2004 , Tony Wheeler
Foreign direct investment and the environment
ISBN 9789264171275 , 1999 , m.fl.
History of the Modern World
ISBN 9780071315562 , 2013 , R.R. Palmer
Environment and Food
ISBN 9780415363129 , 2008 , Colin Sage
Pleasurable Kingdom: Animals and the Nature of Feeling Good
ISBN 9781403986023 , 2007 , Jonathan Balcombe
Adjustment and Agriculture in Africa: Farmers, the State, and the World Bank in Guinea
ISBN 9780333666067 , 1997 , Jennifer Clapp
Ethnicity and Democracy in Africa
ISBN 9780852558607 , 2004 , Bruce Berman, Will Kymlicka, Dickson Eyoh
Africa's development thinking since independence: a reader
ISBN 9780798301602 , 2002 , Africa Institute of South Africa
Intl Stdt Ed-Geology and the Environment
ISBN 9780495190837 , 2008 , Bernard W. Pipkin, Dee Trent, Richard W. Hazlett,m.fl.
The Nature of Adolescence, 4th Edition
ISBN 9781136649462 , 2010 , 4. utgave , John C. Coleman
Frank Macfarlane Burnet and the Nature of the Bacteriophage, 1924-1937
ISBN 9783639075205 , 2008 , Neeraja Sankaran
New trends in the history and philosophy of mathematics
ISBN 9788778386069 , 2004 , Stig Andur Pedersen, Tinne Hoff Kjeldsen,m.fl.
The Red Queen: Sex and the Evolution of Human Nature
ISBN 9780140167726 , 1994 , Matt Ridley
Environment and Statecraft: The Strategy of Environmental Treaty-Making
ISBN 9780199257331 , 2003 , Scott Barrett
Natural resources and the environment 1998
ISBN 9788253745442 , 1998
The Natural Alien: Humankind and Environment
ISBN 9780802077851 , 1993 , Neil Evernden
Jews in the South
ISBN 9780807102268 , 1973 , Mary Dale Palsson
South Africa 1948-94: the rise and fall of apartheid : updated to cover the ANC governments of Mandela and Mbeki, 1994-2000
ISBN 9780582473836 , 2001 , Martin Roberts, Josh Brooman
The Social Construction of Technological Systems: New Directions in the Sociology and History of Technology
ISBN 9780262517607 , 2012 , Trevor Pinch, Wiebe E. Bijker, Thomas P. Hughes,m.fl.
Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology
ISBN 9780762306374 , 2000 , Warren J. Samuels, Jeff E. Biddle
The Nature of the Transnational Firm
ISBN 9780415167888 , 2000 , Roger Sugden, Christos N. Pitelis
The International Business Environment: Challenges and Changes
ISBN 9780273725664 , 2010 , Ian Brooks, Jamie Weatherston, Graham Wilkinson