Søk: 'Exhibition Design in National Promotion, Graphical Images on Stands'
... North Pacific Ophiurans in the Collection of the United States National Museum
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British Factory Japanese Factory: The Origins of National Diversity in Industrial Relations
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Design Patterns
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Reciprocal Images: Russian Culture in the Mirror of Travellers' Accounts (based on the Kollekolle Conference, Copenhagen, 2.-5. December 1994)
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Scandinavian design
ISBN 9781847325891 , 2011 , Ingrid Sommar
Ancient Greek and Roman Sculpture in the National Archaeological Museum, Athens
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Advertising and Promotion: An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective
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Advertising and Promotion: An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective
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FilmCraft: Production Design
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Color Design: A Real-World Guide to Using Color in Graphic Design
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Theology in Built Environments: Exploring Religion, Architecture, and Design
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Killer Images: Documentary Film, Memory and the Performance of Violence
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BTEC Level 3 National Sport Book 1
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Integrated Circuit Design
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Politics on the fringe: the people, policies, and organization of the French National Front
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Advances in Digital Forensics: IFIP International Conference on Digital Forensics, National Center for Forensic Science, Orlando, Florida, February 13-16, 2005
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The Many Faces of National Security in the Arab World
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Algorithm Design
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Made in Italy: Rethinking a Century of Italian Design
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A museum of their own: National Museum of Women in the Arts
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A National Acoustics: Music And Mass Publicity in Weimar And Nazi Germany
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Product Design and Development
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Settings for health promotion: linking theory and practice
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Teknologi og design i skolen
ISBN 9788202383459 , 2013 , Liv Klakegg Dahlin, Anne-Gunn Svorkmo,m.fl.
OECD Reviews of Regional Innovation Competitive Regional Clusters National Policy Approaches: National Policy Approaches
ISBN 9789264031821 , 2007 , m.fl.
Women Photographers at "National Geographic"
ISBN 9780792276890 , 2000 , Cathy Newman
Women Photographers at National Geographic
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