Søk: 'Foster on Eu Law'
Medical Malpractice: Issues and Law
ISBN 9781590339176 , 2003
English-Norwegian Dictionary of Law
ISBN 9788202196455 , 2000 , Åge Lind
The EU and conflict resolution: promoting peace in the backyard
ISBN 9780415413947 , 2007 , Nathalie Tocci
A Short Treatise on Hindu Law: As Administered in the Courts of British India (Large Print Edition)
ISBN 9780554771434 , 2008 , Herbert Cowell
A Short Treatise on Hindu Law: As Administered in the Courts of British India (Large Print Edition)
ISBN 9780554771410 , 2008 , Herbert Cowell
A Career in Law
ISBN 9780751005196 , 1995 , Brian Heap
The Fate of Law
ISBN 9780472082391 , 1993 , Austin Sarat, Thomas R. Kearns
A Teacher's Guide To Education Law
ISBN 9780415994637 , 2010 , Michael Imber, Tyll Van Geel, Mickey Imber
Law and Disorder in the Postcolony
ISBN 9780226114095 , 2006 , Jean Comaroff
Holyoak and Torremans intellectual property law
ISBN 9780199217854 , 2008 , Paul Torremans
Holyoak and Torremans Intellectual Property Law
ISBN 9780199581290 , 2010 , Paul Torremans
Principles of European Law: Unjustified Enrichment
ISBN 9780199229406 , 2010 , Stephen Swann
International Environmental Law, 3rd Edition
ISBN 9781571053091 , 2004 , 3. utgave , Dinah Shelton, Alexandre-Charles Kiss
Un Law, Fundamental Rights: Two Topics in International Law
ISBN 9789028608283 , 1979 , Antonio Cassese
The Dog Law Handbook
ISBN 9780721913407 , 1993 , Godfrey Sandys-Winsch, Paul Clayden
Achieving Sustainable Mobility: Everyday and Leisure-Time Travel in the Eu
ISBN 9780754649410 , 2007 , Erling Holden
Norwegian-English dictionary of law
ISBN 9788202226237 , 2003 , Åge Lind
A Common Law of International Adjudication
ISBN 9780199563906 , 2009 , Chester Brown
Akehurst's Modern Introduction to International Law
ISBN 9780415243568 , 2009 , Peter Malanczuk
Corporate Accountability in International Environmental Law
ISBN 9780199558018 , 2009 , Elisa Morgera
A Guide to International Environmental Law
ISBN 9781571053442 , 2007 , Alexandre Charles Kiss, Dinah. Shelton
Understanding European Union Law 3/E
ISBN 9780415419772 , 2007 , 3. utgave , Karen Davies (LLB.)
Commercial Trusts in European Private Law
ISBN 9780521115605 , 2009
Norwegian-English dictionary of law
ISBN 9788202196462 , 2000 , Åge Lind
On War
ISBN 9780199540020 , 2008 , Carl von Clausewitz, Peter Paret
International and comparative labour law: current challenges
ISBN 9780230228221 , 2009 , Arturo S. Bronstein
Women, Family, and Gender in Islamic Law
ISBN 9780521537476 , 2008
The Concept of Universal Crimes in International Law
ISBN 9788293081333 , 2012 , Terje Einarsen
On Farming
ISBN 9788492861217 , 2010 , Mason White, Maya Przybylski
Scandinavian Maritime Law: The Norwegian Perspective
ISBN 9788215005294 , 2004 , Thor Falkanger, Hans Jacob Bull, Lasse Brautaset