Søk: 'Gender Codes: Why Women Are Leaving Computing'
Gender and Aesthetics: An Introduction
ISBN 9780415266598 , 2004
Are We Humans Born Too Soon?
ISBN 9781436367288 , 2009 , Grace J. Nathan M.S., John A. Friedman Ph.D
Are We Humans Born Too Soon?
ISBN 9781436367295 , 2009 , Grace J. Nathan M.S., John A. Friedman Ph.D
Reader in Gender Archaeology
ISBN 9780415173599 , 1998 , David S. Whitley
Applications of Soft Computing: Recent Trends
ISBN 9783540291237 , 2006 , Erel Avineri, Keshav Dahal, Ashutosh Tiwari,m.fl.
Computing System Reliability: Models and Analysis
ISBN 9780306484964 , 2004 , Yuan-Shun Dai, Kim-Leng Poh, Xie Min
Why didn't they ask Evans?
ISBN 9780007122608 , 2004 , Agatha Christie
Why Men Don't Listen and Women Can't Read Maps: How We're Different and What to Do about It
ISBN 9780752846194 , 2001 , Allan Pease, Barbara Pease, Trevor Dolby
Historical Archaeology: Why the Past Matters
ISBN 9781598740233 , 2007 , Barbara J. Little
Why Me?: The Author of Why Belive? Looks at Suffering
ISBN 9781850781332 , 1993 , Roger Carswell
Computers As Components: Principles of Embedded Computing System Design
ISBN 9780123884367 , 2012 , Marilyn Wolf
Mathematics for Electrical Engineering and Computing
ISBN 9780080473406 , 2003 , Mary P Attenborough
Are You There, God?: It's Me, Margaret
ISBN 9780385739863 , 2010 , Judy Blume
The Inmates are Running the Asylum
ISBN 9780672326141 , 2004 , Alan Cooper
Race, Class, and Gender: An Anthology
ISBN 9780495598824 , 2010 , Margaret L. Andersen
Numerical analysis: mathematics of scientific computing
ISBN 9780534389055 , 2002 , Elliott Ward Cheney, David Ronald Kincaid
Catholic Women of Congo-Brazzaville
ISBN 9780253352811 , 2009 , Phyllis M. Martin
The Gender of Modernity
ISBN 9780674341944 , 1995 , Rita Felski
Free Market Madness: Why Human Nature Is at Odds with Economics - And Why It Matters
ISBN 9781422126097 , 2009 , Peter A. Ubel
Women, Art, and Society
ISBN 9780500202937 , 1997
The New Politics of Gender Equality
ISBN 9780230007703 , 2007 , Judith Squires
Frontiers in the Economics of Gender
ISBN 9780415569521 , 2009 , Farancesca Bettio, Alina Verashchagina
Micromessaging: Why Great Leadership is Beyond Words
ISBN 9780071467575 , 2006 , Stephen Young
The Handbook of Language and Gender
ISBN 9780470756706 , 2008 , Janet Holmes, Miriam Meyerhoff
Women, Policy and Politics
ISBN 9780761956754 , 1999 , Carol Lee Bacchi
Corporate Responsibility and Labour Rights: Codes of Conduct in the Global Economy
ISBN 9781853839313 , 2002 , Ruth Pearson, Gill Seyfang, Richard Howitt,m.fl.
Turbo C++: an introduction to computing
ISBN 9780134399287 , 1996 , Joel Adams, Sanford Leestma, Larry R. Nyhoff
Alcohol, Gender, and Culture
ISBN 9780415086677 , 1992
Feelings Are Not Facts: Reflections of
ISBN 9781413785234 , 2005 , Patrick Merrick Brian
Gender, Islam, and Democracy in Indonesia
ISBN 9780415415835 , 2008 , Kathryn May Robinson