Søk: 'Geology and the Environment (with Environmental Sciencenow and Infotra )'
The Economic Theory and Measurement of Environmental Benefits
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Life and death matters: human rights and the environment at the end of the millennium
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An Introduction to Applied and Environmental Geophysics
ISBN 9780471485353 , 2011 , John M. Reynolds
Chemistry for Environmental Engineering and Science
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Muscles: Testing and Function, with Posture and Pain [With CDROM]
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Nature-Based Tourism, Environment and Land Management
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Managing for the environment: understanding the legal, organizational, and policy challenges
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The Economic Analysis of Environmental Policy and Law: An Introduction
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Environmental ethics: readings in theory and application
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Environmental Policy-Making In Britain, Germany and the European Union
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Earth Structure: An Introduction to Structural Geology and Tectonics
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The new Penguin dictionary of geology
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Pricing Nature: Cost-benefit Analysis and Environmental Policy
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Living in the Environment
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Essentials of Geology
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Moving Ahead with ISO 14000: Improving Environmental Management and Advancing Sustainable Development
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Essential Environment: The Science Behind the Stories
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Introduction to Embedded Systems: Using Ansi C and the Arduino Development Environment
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Introduction to Environmental Engineering and Science
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Earth: An Introduction to Physical Geology
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Accounting for the Environment
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Environmental Microbiology
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Applied Hydraulics, Hydrology and Environmental Engineering
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Environmental Engineering and Science: An Introduction
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Alternative pathways in science and industry: activism, innovation, and the environment in an era of globalization
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