Søk: 'Human Computer Interaction Research in Web Design and Evaluation'
Handbook of Longitudinal Research: Design, Measurement, and Analysis
ISBN 9780123704818 , 2007 , Scott W. Menard
Methods in Behavioral Research
ISBN 9780071086288 , 2012 , Paul C. Cozby, Scott C. Bates
English Computer Corpora: Selected Papers And Research Guide
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Surveys in Social Research
ISBN 9780415530187 , 2013 , David de Vaus
Handbook of Longitudinal Research: Design, Measurement, and Analysis
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The Web Designer's Idea Book, Volume 3: Inspiration from Today's Best Web Design Trends, Themes and Styles
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Health and Human Rights in Europe
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Power talk: language and interaction in institutional discourse
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Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches
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Body Movement and Speech in Medical Interaction
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Computing Tools for Modeling, Optimization, and Simulation: Interfaces in Computer Science and Operations Research
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Social Interaction and Language Development in Blind Children
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Transcending CSS: the fine art of web design
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Weaving the Web: The Original Design and Ultimate Destiny of the World Wide Web
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Research Methods in Education
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Qualitative research design: an interactive approach
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Qualitative Research in Business and Management
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Computer Organization and Design, Fourth Edition: The Hardware/Software Interface
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Qualitative Research in Counselling and Psychotherapy
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Business Research Methods (with Web Surveyor Certificate and Infotrac )
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Asking Questions in Biology: A Guide to Hypothesis Testing, Experimental Design and Presentation in Practical Work and Research Projects
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Web Concept & Design: A Comprehensive Guide for Creating Effective Web Sites
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Introducing Qualitative Research in Psychology
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Qualitative Research Design for Software Users
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Logic and Computer Design Fundamentals and Xilinx Student Edition 4.2 Package
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Advances in Computational and Stochastic Optimization, Logic Programming, and Heuristic Search: Interfaces in Computer Science and Operations Research
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Realistic Evaluation
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Research Methods in Theatre and Performance
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