Søk: 'Iconic events: media, politics, and power in retelling history'
Beyond Cantua Creek: A Fascinating Series of Articles That Include National and International Events That Escaped Media Attention
ISBN 9781450233019 , 2010
Issues and Methods in Comparative Politics: An Introduction
ISBN 9780415272704 , 2003
Politics, Language, and Time: Essays on Political Thought and History
ISBN 9780226671390 , 1989 , John Greville Agard Pocock
The Routledgefalmer Reader in Education Policy and Politics
ISBN 9780415345743 , 2006 , Jennifer Ozga, Bob Lingard
How the American Media Packaged Lynching (1850-1940): Constructing the Meaning of Social Events
ISBN 9780773456280 , 2006 , Ira Wasserman
Politics and Religion
ISBN 9780745628202 , 2003 , Steve Bruce
Visual Authorship: Creativity and Intentionality in Media (Northern Lights - Film and Media Studies Yearbook 2004)
ISBN 9788763501286 , 2004 , Torben Grodal, Bente Larsen,m.fl.
Why Americans Hate Welfare: Race, Media, and the Politics of Antipoverty Policy
ISBN 9780226293653 , 2000 , Martin Gilens
Consuming Technologies: Media and Information in Domestic Spaces
ISBN 9780203401491 , 2004 , Roger Silverstone, Eric Hirsch
Readings in African Politics
ISBN 9780852552575 , 2003 , Tom Young
Media Culture: Cultural Studies, Identity, and Politics Between the Modern and the Postmodern
ISBN 9780415105705 , 1994 , Douglas M. Kellner
Issues and Methods in Comparative Politics: An Introduction
ISBN 9780415412360 , 2008
Power and Plenty: Trade, War, and the World Economy in the Second Millennium
ISBN 9780691143279 , 2009
America's right turn: how Conservatives used new and alternative media to take power
ISBN 9781566252522 , 2004
Islamist Politics in the Middle East: Movements and Change
ISBN 9780415783620 , 2012
Ethical Issues in Journalism and the Media
ISBN 9780415069274 , 1992 , Andrew Belsey, Ruth F. Chadwick
Electrical Machines, Drives and Power Systems
ISBN 9781292024585 , 2013 , Theodore Wildi
Who owns the media?: competition and concentration in the mass media industry
ISBN 9780805829358 , 2000 , Douglas Gomery, Benjamin M. Compaine
Advances in Porous Media
ISBN 9780444825001 , 1996 , M. Yavuz Corapcioglu
Media, Technology, and Society: Theories of Media Evolution
ISBN 9780472070824 , 2010
Buyer Power and Competition in European Food Retailing
ISBN 9781840646856 , 2002 , Stephen Davies, Roger Clarke, Paul Dobson,m.fl.
Power and Influence in Organizations: New Empirical and Theoretical Perspectives
ISBN 9781593114633 , 2005 , Patricia Ruggiano Schmidt
Global children, global media: migration, media and childhood
ISBN 9780230506992 , 2007 , David Buckingham, Liesbeth De Block
Islam After Communism: Religion and Politics in Central Asia
ISBN 9780520282155 , 2014 , Adeeb Khalid
Power talk: language and interaction in institutional discourse
ISBN 9780582368798 , 2001 , Joanna Thornborrow
Media Effects
ISBN 9781412964692 , 2012
Developments in European Politics
ISBN 9780230000414 , 2006 , Martin Rhodes, Paul M. Heywood, Erik Jones,m.fl.
Developments in European Politics
ISBN 9780230000407 , 2006 , Martin Rhodes, Paul M. Heywood, Erik Jones,m.fl.
Jihad in Islamic History: Doctrines and Practice
ISBN 9780691138381 , 2008
Narrative and Genre: Key Concepts in Media Studies
ISBN 9780333658727 , 2000 , Nick Lacey