Søk: 'Item Response Theory'
Corporate Finance: Theory & Practice
ISBN 9781844809462 , 2011 , Chris Jones, Steve Lumby
Film Theory and Criticism: Introductory Readings
ISBN 9780195365627 , 2009 , Leo Braudy, Marshall Cohen
Introduction to the Theory of Computation
ISBN 9781133187813 , 2012 , Michael Sipser
Corpus Linguistics: Method, Theory and Practice
ISBN 9780521547369 , 2011 , Tony McEnery, Andrew Hardie
Literary Theory: An Introduction
ISBN 9780816654475 , 2008 , Terry Eagleton
Arbitrage Theory in Continuous Time
ISBN 9780199574742 , 2009 , Tomas Bjork
Cultural Studies: Theory and Practice
ISBN 9781412924160 , 2008 , Chris (university Of Wollongong) Barker
Music and Emotion: Theory and Research
ISBN 9780192631886
Financial Theory and Corporate Policy
ISBN 9780321223531 , 2003 , J.Fred Weston, Kuldeep Shastri,m.fl.
Cultural Studies: Theory and Practice
ISBN 9780857024794 , 2011 , Chris Barker
Operations Management: Theory and Practice
ISBN 9780077133016 , 2011 , William J. Stevenson
Corporate Communication: A Guide to Theory and Practice
ISBN 9780857022431 , 2011 , Joep P. Cornelissen
Classical Sociological Theory
ISBN 9780072296068 , 1999 , George Ritzer
Game Theory Pb
ISBN 9788180520822 , 2005 , Jean Tirole, Drew Fudenberg
Leadership: Theory and Practice
ISBN 9781412941617 , 2007 , Peter Guy Northouse
Contemporary Sociological Theory
ISBN 9780631213505 , 2002 , Craig Calhoun, Steve Pfaff
Classical Sociological Theory
ISBN 9780761987802 , 2002
International economics: theory and policy
ISBN 9780321493040 , 2008 , Paul R. Krugman, Maurice Obstfeld
Cultural theory: an introduction
ISBN 9781405169073 , 2008 , Phil Smith, Philip Smith, Alexander Riley
International Economics: Theory & Policy
ISBN 9780132146654 , 2010 , Paul R. Krugman, Maurice Obstfeld, Marc Melitz
Theory of Bridge Aerodynamics
ISBN 9783642136597 , 2010 , Einar Strømmen
Cultural Theory: An Anthology
ISBN 9781405180825 , 2010 , Imre Szeman, Timothy Kaposy
Russian Translation: Theory and Practice
ISBN 9780415473477 , 2009
Human Resource Management: Theory and Practice
ISBN 9780230580565 , 2012 , John Bratton, Jeff Gold
Corporate Finance: Theory and Practice
ISBN 9781119960065 , 2011 , Pierre Vernimmen, Pascal Quiry, Antonio Salvi,m.fl.
Corporate Finance: Theory and Practice
ISBN 9781119951841 , 2011 , Pierre Vernimmen, Pascal Quiry, Antonio Salvi,m.fl.
Corporate Finance: Theory and Practice
ISBN 9781119975588 , 2011 , Pierre Vernimmen, Pascal Quiry, Antonio Salvi,m.fl.
Archaeological Theory: An Introduction
ISBN 9781405100144 , 2007
Introduction to Number Theory
ISBN 9781584889373 , 2007 , Martin J. Erickson, Anthony Vazzana
Literary Theory: The Basics
ISBN 9780415396707 , 2007 , Johannes Willem Bertens