Søk: 'Nation and Gender in Contemporary Europe'
Muslims in Western Europe
ISBN 9780748606177 , 1995 , Jørgen S. Nielsen
Remaking Citizenship in Hong Kong: Community, Nation, and the Global City
ISBN 9780415332095 , 2004 , Agnes S. M. Ku
Bollywood and Globalization: Indian Popular Cinema, Nation, and Diaspora
ISBN 9780857287823 , 2011 , Rajeshwari Pandharipande, Rini Bhattasharya Mehta
Religion in Social Context in Europe and America, 1200-1700
ISBN 9780866982801 , 2002 , Richard C. Trexler
Integrating Islam: political and religious challenges in contemporary France
ISBN 9780815751519 , 2005 , Jonathan Laurence, Justin Vaisse
Business Cultures in Europe
ISBN 9780750604062 , 1991 , Collin Randlesome
Divorce in Japan: Family, Gender, and the State, 1600-2000
ISBN 9780804743570 , 2004
Democracy in the New Europe
ISBN 9781403913029 , 2006 , Christopher Lord, Erika Harris
Democracy in the New Europe
ISBN 9781403913036 , 2006 , Christopher Lord, Erika Harris
Digital Terrestrial Television in Europe
ISBN 9780805853872 , 2004 , Allan Brown, Robert G. Picard
Digital Terrestrial Television in Europe
ISBN 9780805847703 , 2004 , Allan Brown, Robert G. Picard
Athlone History of Witchcraft and Magic in Europe
ISBN 9780485891041 , 2002 , Bengt Ankarloo, Stuart Clark, E. William Monter
Contemporary Debates in Aesthetics and the Philosophy of Art
ISBN 9781405102407 , 2005 , Matthew Kieran
Doing Business in Emerging Europe
ISBN 9780333993019 , 2003 , Francois-Serge Lhabitant
Cultural Intimacy: Social Poetics In The Nation-state
ISBN 9780415947404 , 2005 , Michael Herzfeld
International Political Economy in the 21st Century: Contemporary Issues and Analyses
ISBN 9780582473683 , 2010 , Imad El-Anis, Chris White, Christopher Farrands,m.fl.
The Handbook of Language and Gender
ISBN 9780470756706 , 2008 , Janet Holmes, Miriam Meyerhoff
Politicising parenthood in Scandinavia: gender relations in welfare states
ISBN 9781861346469 , 2006 , Anne Lise Ellingsæter, Arnlaug Leira
Kingdoms and Communities in Western Europe, 900-1300
ISBN 9780198731474 , 1997 , Susan Reynolds
Islam, women, and gender justice
ISBN 9788121207553 , 2001 , Asghar Ali Engineer
Contemporary Orthodontics
ISBN 9780323083171 , 2012 , William R. Proffit, David M. Sarver
Contemporary Issues in Database Design and Information Systems Development
ISBN 9781599042893 , 2007 , Keng Siau
Discussions in Contemporary Culture
ISBN 9780941920070 , 1987
The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
ISBN 9780415407649 , 2007 , David J. Galbreath
Agrarian Economy, State and Society in Contemporary Tanzania
ISBN 9781859726273 , 1999 , Sam Maghimbi, Peter Glover Forster
Bollywood and Globalization: Indian Popular Cinema, Nation, and Diaspora
ISBN 9781843318330 , 2010 , Rini Bhattacharya Mehta,m.fl.
Gender and Sociality in Amazonia: How Real People Are Made
ISBN 9781859734544 , 2003 , Cecilia McCallum
Andromeda's Chains: Gender and Interpretation in Victorian Literature and Art
ISBN 9780231068734 , 1993 , Adrienne Munich
Media, gender and identity: an introduction
ISBN 9780415396608 , 2008 , David Gauntlett
Gender, Christianity and change in Vanuatu: an analysis of social movements in North Ambrym
ISBN 9780754672098 , 2007