Søk: 'Navigating by the stars: Norway, the European Economic Area and the European Union'
A Guide to European Union Law and Institutions
ISBN 9781847161604 , 2010 , Richard Wallis
The destruction of the European Jews
ISBN 9780841909106 , 1985 , Raul Hilberg
The Economics of European Integration
ISBN 9780077111199 , 2006 , Richard Baldwin, Charles Wyplosz
Appointing Central Bankers: The Politics of Monetary Policy in the United States and the European Monetary Union
ISBN 9780521029841 , 2006 , Kelly H. Chang, Randall Calvert,m.fl.
Appointing Central Bankers: The Politics of Monetary Policy in the United States and the European Monetary Union
ISBN 9780521823333 , 2003 , Kelly H. Chang, Randall Calvert,m.fl.
The European Economy 1914-2000
ISBN 9780415250627 , 2001 , Steven Morewood, Derek Howard Aldcroft
The European Economy: 1914-2000
ISBN 9780415250634 , 2001 , Derek Howard Aldcroft, Steven (1955- ). Morewood
Anti-Drugs Policies of the European Union: Transnational Decision-Making and the Politics of Expertise
ISBN 9780333982136 , 2003 , Martin Elvins
Palgrave Advances in European Union Studies
ISBN 9780333997628 , 2005 , Michelle Cini, Angela K. Bourne
Palgrave Advances in European Union Studies
ISBN 9780333997635 , 2005 , Michelle Cini, Angela K. Bourne
European Modernity and Beyond: The Trajectory of European Societies, 1945-2000
ISBN 9780803989351 , 1995 , Göran Therborn
European modernity and beyond: the trajectory of European societies, 1945-2000
ISBN 9780803989344 , 1995 , Goran Therborn
The European Rescue of the Nation-State
ISBN 9780415216296 , 1999 , Alan Steele Milward, Federico Romero
Social Capital and Governance: Old and New Members of the European Union in Comparison
ISBN 9783825896584 , 2006 , Adam Frane
The European Rescue of the Nation State
ISBN 9780203982150 , 1999 , Alan S. Milward
Europe Recast: A History of European Union
ISBN 9780333987346 , 2004 , Desmond Dinan, Desmond (associate Professor,m.fl.
The European Rescue of the Nation-state
ISBN 9780415216289 , 1999 , Alan S. Milward
Empire by Integration: The United States and European Integration, 1945-1997
ISBN 9780198782117 , 1997 , Geir Lundestad
European Monetary Union: Europe's Greatest Gamble
ISBN 9780850489743 , 1997 , Richard Buckley, Christopher Taylor
Restructuring Europe: Centre Formation, System Building, and Political Structuring Between the Nation State and the European Union
ISBN 9780199286430 , 2005 , Stefano Bartolini
Restructuring Europe: Centre Formation, System Building, and Political Structuring Between the Nation State and the European Union
ISBN 9780199231874 , 2007 , Stefano Bartolini
The Balkans and the West: constructing the European other, 1945-2003
ISBN 9780754632344 , 2004 , Andrew Hammond
The fault in our stars
ISBN 9780141345659 , 2013 , John Green
Equality Law in an Enlarged European Union: Understanding the Article 13 Directives
ISBN 9780521159401 , 2010 , Helen Meenan
After the Euro: Shaping Institutions for Governance in the Wake of European Monetary Union
ISBN 9780198296393 , 2000 , Colin Crouch
Fiscal Policy Making in the European Union: An Assessment of Current Practice and Challenges
ISBN 9789279114519 , 2009 , Martin Larch, Joao Nogueira Martins
The West European Party System
ISBN 9780198275831 , 1990
Administrative law of the European Union, its member states and the United States: a comparative analysis
ISBN 9789050952514 , 2002 , René Seerden,m.fl.
Equality Law in an Enlarged European Union: Understanding the Article 13 Directives
ISBN 9780521865302 , 2007 , Helen Meenan
Coping with Accession to the European Union: New Modes of Environmental Governance
ISBN 9780230575516 , 2009 , Tanja A. Borzel