Søk: 'Nordic elite sport: same ambitions - different tracks'
Sport and Modern Social Theorists: Theorizing Homo Ludens
ISBN 9780333800799 , 2004 , Richard Giulianotti
Beyond Westminster and Congress: The Nordic Experience
ISBN 9780814208397 , 2000 , Knut Heidar
Advances in Sport and Exercise Psychology Measurement
ISBN 9781885693112 , 1998 , Joan L. Duda
Nordic Region-building in a European Perspective
ISBN 9780754610014 , 1999 , Harald Baldersheim, Krister Stahlberg
Group Dynamics in Exercise and Sport Psychology: Contemporary Themes
ISBN 9780415426657 , 2007
Creating Nordic Capitalism: the business history of a competitive periphery
ISBN 9780230545533 , 2008 , Lars Thue, Susanna Fellman, Martin J. Iversen,m.fl.
Nordic Nutrition Recommendations 2004 - 4th edition : Integrating Nutrition and Physical Activity
ISBN 9789289310628 , 2005 , 4. utgave , Nordisk Ministerråd, Nordisk Råd
AS/A2 PE/Sport Studies: Sports Psychology Workbook
ISBN 9781844897346 , 2007 , R. James
Culture, Politics and Sport: Blowing the Whistle, Revisited
ISBN 9780415417075 , 2007 , Ian McDonald, Garry Whannel, Jennifer Hargreaves
Sport, medier og journalistikk: med fotballandslaget til EM
ISBN 9788276747959 , 2003 , Knut Helland
The Myth of Mars and Venus: Do Men and Women Really Speak Different Languages?
ISBN 9780199550999 , 2008 , Deborah Cameron
Europeanization and Transnational States: Comparing Nordic Central Governments
ISBN 9780415299787 , 2003 , Bengt Jacobsson, Per Laegried, Ove K. Pedersen
Applied sport psychology: personal growth to peak performance
ISBN 9780072843835 , 2006 , Jean Marie Williams
BTEC Level 3 National Sport and Exercise Sciences Student Book
ISBN 9781846908972 , 2010 , Wendy Davies, Adam Gledhill, Pam Phillippo,m.fl.
Women in Nordic politics: closing the gap
ISBN 9781855215337 , 1995 , Per Selle, Lauri Karvonen
Yearbook for Nordic tax research 2005: local taxation
ISBN 9788215008608 , 2005 , Robert Påhlsson,m.fl.
A User's Guide to Bible Translations: Making the Most of Different Versions
ISBN 9780830832736 , 2005 , David Dewey
Managing Organizations for Sport and Physical Activity: A Systems Perspective
ISBN 9781890871932 , 2009 , Packianathan Chelladurai
The Madisonian Turn: Political Parties and Parliamentary Democracy in Nordic Europe
ISBN 9780472117475 , 2011 , Torbjorn Bergman, Kaare Strøm
Sport and Modern Social Theorists: Theorizing Homo Ludens
ISBN 9780333800782 , 2004 , Richard Giulianotti
Price elasticity in sport clubs: Measurement and empirical findings
ISBN 9783838109657 , 2009 , Pamela Wicker
A Comparative Study of Temperature Fluctuations in Different Parts of the Human Body
ISBN 9781144529466 , 2010 , Francis Gano Benedict, Edgar P. Slack
Mellom elite og publikum: litterær smak og litteraturformidling blant bibliotekarer i norske folkebibliotek
ISBN 9788274771048 , 2005 , Jofrid Karner Smidt
Scandinavia in the Age of Revolution: Nordic Political Cultures, 1740-1820
ISBN 9781409400196 , 2011
Towards New Nordic Regions: Politics, Administration and Regional Development
ISBN 9788773079461 , 2005 , Oddbjorn Bukve, Henrik Halkier, Peter de Souza
A Multicultural/Multimodal/Multisystems Approach to Working With Culturally Different Families
ISBN 9780275955601 , 1997 , Sharon-Ann Gopaul-McNicol
Yearbook for Nordic Tax Research 2007: Taxation of Pensions
ISBN 9788757417746 , 2007 , Ann Sofie Henriksson, Robert Pahlsson
Sport, a Prison of Measured Time: Essays
ISBN 9780745303031 , 1989 , Jean-Marie Brohm
Sport, recreation and tourism event management: theoretical and practical dimensions
ISBN 9780750684477 , 2008 , Cheryl Mallen, Lorne J. Adams
Security and politics in the Nordic area
ISBN 9780566050350 , 1987 , John Fitzmaurice