Søk: 'Norwegian Minds, American Dreams: Ethnic Activism Among Norwegian-American Intellectuals'
American History Goes to the Movies: Hollywood and the American Experience
ISBN 9780415802192 , 2011
Elements of American Jurisprudence
ISBN 9780559147289 , 2008 , William Callyhan Robinson
Elements of American Jurisprudence
ISBN 9780559147258 , 2008 , William Callyhan Robinson
Miles Davis and American Culture Miles Davis and American Culture Miles Davis and American Culture
ISBN 9781883982379 , 2001 , Gerald Lyn Early
American Government: Power and Purpose
ISBN 9780393922462 , 2014 , Theodore J. Lowi, Stephen Ansolabehere
American Poems (1625-1892)
ISBN 9781113185556 , 2009
American Poems (1625-1892)
ISBN 9781113185570 , 2009
American Poems 1625-1892
ISBN 9781406751284 , 2007
Engelsk-norsk Juridisk Ordbok: English-Norwegian Dictionary of Law
ISBN 9788202273682 , 2007 , Åge Lind
American Civilization: An Introduction
ISBN 9780415358309 , 2005
Networking cultures: Brazilian-Norwegian dialogues on education and culture
ISBN 9788292712016 , 2006 , Eva Maagerø, Elise Seip Tønnessen,m.fl.
Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules
ISBN 9781856045704 , 2005 , m.fl.
All American Boys
ISBN 9780932870445 , 1985
Perspectives on American Politics
ISBN 9780618719150 , 2007 , Prof William Lasser
Studying African-American Religion
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Unpredictability and Presence: Norwegian Kingship in the High Middle Ages
ISBN 9789004166615 , 2008 , Hans Jacob Orning
Disordered Minds
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Academics as Public Intellectuals
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American girls about town
ISBN 9780743461061 , 2004 , Adriana Trigiani
The Norton Anthology of American Literature
ISBN 9780393918854 , 2013 , Nina Baym, Jerome Klinkowitz, Robert S. Levine,m.fl.
Studyguide for Major Problems in American Immigration and Ethnic History by Gjerde, ISBN 9780395815328: 0395815320
ISBN 9781428827622 , 2007 , all material written by Cram101.,m.fl.
Norwegian Natural Gas: Liberalization of the European Gas Market
ISBN 9788291165301 , 2003 , Ole Gunnar Austvik, Europa-programmet
American Politics and Society
ISBN 9781405126038 , 2005
Early American Philosophers (1898)
ISBN 9780766154278 , 2003 , Adam Leroy Jones
The Norwegian Domination and the Norse World: C.1100 - C.1400
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70s: All-American Ads
ISBN 9783822812655 , 2004 , Jim Heimann, Steven Heller
American Civilization: An Introduction
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Twentieth-century American Art
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Contemporary American Crime Fiction
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