Søk: 'Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook, Eighth Edition'
Probability & statistics for engineers & scientists
ISBN 9780131877115 , 2006 , Raymond H. Myers, Ronald E. Walpole,m.fl.
Chemical Principles in the Laboratory
ISBN 9780534424534 , 2004 , Wayne C. Wolsey, Emil J. Slowinski,m.fl.
Comprehensive Physics for Engineers
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Entrepreneurship for Scientists and Engineers
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Port Designers' Handbook
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Physics for Scientists and Engineers: With Modern Physics
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Simuleringsspillet BRIEFCASE A/S
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Extremophiles Handbook
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Investments - Global Edition
ISBN 9780077161149 , 2014 , Zvi Bodie, Alan J. Marcus
Ism T/A Chemical Principles
ISBN 9780716707004 , 2005 , Peter Atkins, Loretta Jones, Thomas Spence,m.fl.
CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics: A Ready-reference Book of Chemical and Physical Data
ISBN 9780849304637 , 2000 , Ramon D. Foltz, Thomas A. Penn, Robert C. Weast,m.fl.
Reeds Vol 1: Mathematics for Marine Engineers
ISBN 9781408175552 , 2013 , Kevin Corner, William Embleton
Statistics for Engineers and Scientists
ISBN 9780071222051 , 2011 , William Cyrus Navidi
Corporate Finance Fundamentals Alternate Edition with S&P card and Student CD
ISBN 9780071118026 , 2006 , Randolph Westerfield, Stephen A. Ross,m.fl.
Statistics for Engineers and Scientists
ISBN 9780071102223 , 2008 , William Cyrus Navidi
Physics for scientists and engineers
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Introductory Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics: International Version
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Jenny S: roman
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Nanochemistry: A Chemical Approach to Nanomaterials
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Chemical Principles Complete Solutions Guide
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Handbook of Procurement
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Physics for Scientists and Engineers, Volume 1
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Campbell Biology: Global Edition
ISBN 9780321739759 , 2010 , Neil A. Campbell, Lisa A. Urry,m.fl.
Statistics for Engineers and Scientists
ISBN 9780073376332 , 2010 , William C. Navidi
The Little, Brown Handbook
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Helvete løs
ISBN 9788202230326 , 2005 , George P. Pelecanos
Student Handbook and Solutions Manual [for] Concepts of Genetics, Ninth Edition
ISBN 9780321544605 , 2008 , 9. utgave , Michael A. Palladino, Harry Nickla
Analysis, Synthesis, and Design of Chemical Processes
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Subsea Engineering Handbook
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Amical Niveau 2 (A2): Cahier d'activités, livret de corrigés
ISBN 9782090386066 , 2011 , Sylvie Poisson-Quinton