Søk: 'Political Writings'
Analysing political discourse: theory and practice
ISBN 9780415314725 , 2003 , Paul Anthony Chilton
Classics of Moral And Political Theory
ISBN 9780872207769 , 2005
Global Political Economy: Theory and Practice
ISBN 9780321269928 , 2005 , Theodore H. Cohn
The Political Economy Reader: Markets As Institutions
ISBN 9780415954938 , 2007 , Naazneen Haider Barma, Steven Kent Vogel
Political Geography: World-Economy, Nation-State and Locality
ISBN 9780273735908 , 2011 , Peter J. Taylor
Writings from the "Philokalia" on Prayer of the Heart
ISBN 9780571163939 , 1992 , G.E.H. Palmer, E. Kadloubovsky
Contemporary Political Ideologies: Second Edition
ISBN 9780826451736 , 1999 , 2. utgave , Roger Eatwell, Anthony Wright
Political Economy and the Changing Global Order
ISBN 9780195419894 , 2005
Secret Sexualities: A Sourcebook of 17th and 18th Century Writings
ISBN 9780415139540 , 1997 , Ian McCormick
China and the Global Political Economy
ISBN 9781403986474 , 2007 , Timothy M. Shaw, Shaun Gerard Breslin
An Introduction to International Political Economy
ISBN 9780826465894 , 2004 , Alison M. S. Watson
Global Political Economy: Evolution and Dynamics
ISBN 9780333689639 , 2004 , Robert O'Brien, Marc A. Williams
A Short History of Western Political Thought
ISBN 9780230545595 , 2011 , W. M. Spellman
A Short History of Western Political Thought
ISBN 9780230545588 , 2011 , W. M. Spellman
An Introduction to Social and Political Philosophy
ISBN 9780742564138 , 2009 , Richard Schmitt
An Introduction to Social and Political Philosophy
ISBN 9780742564121 , 2009 , Richard Schmitt
Public Opinion and Political Change in China
ISBN 9780804752206 , 2005
Power/Knowledge: Selected Interviews and Other Writings, 1972-1977
ISBN 9780394739540 , 1988 , Michel Foucault
Great Political Thinkers: Plato to the Present
ISBN 9780155078895 , 1999 , William Ebenstein, Alan O. Ebenstein
Political Anthropology: An Introduction Third Edition
ISBN 9780897898904 , 2003 , 3. utgave , Ted C. Lewellen
Jihad: The Trail of Political Islam
ISBN 9781860646843 , 2003 , Gilles Kepel
Mawlana Mawdudi and Political Islam: Authority and the Islamic State
ISBN 9780415474122 , 2011 , Roy Jackson
Christ's Body: Identity, Culture and Society in Late Medieval Writings
ISBN 9780203990063 , 1996 , Sarah Beckwith
Church Mother: The Writings of a Protestant Reformer in Sixteenth-Century Germany
ISBN 9780226979670 , 2006 , Katharina Schutz Zell
Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia at Peace and at War: Selected Writings, 1983-2007
ISBN 9783825812676 , 2009 , Sabrina P. Ramet, Wolfgang Hoepken,m.fl.
Voices of Ireland: classic writings of a rich and rare land
ISBN 9780762413362 , 2002 , Malachy McCourt
Introduction to International Political Economy PIE NO US SALE
ISBN 9780133451184 , 2013
Classics of Moral and Political Theory
ISBN 9780872207776 , 2006
ISBN 9781844893478 , 2006 , Moyra Grant
Great Political Thinkers of the World
ISBN 9788188817177 , 2006 , R. N. Sharma