Søk: 'Quantum physics of atoms, molecules, solids, nuclei, and particles'
Understanding Physics
ISBN 9780470746387 , 2010 , Michael Mansfield, Colm O'Sullivan
The Physics of Solar Cells
ISBN 9781860943492 , 2003 , Jenny Nelson
Fundamentals of Atmospheric Physics
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Fundamentals of Nuclear Reactor Physics
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Approaches to Quantum Gravity: Toward a New Understanding of Space, Time and Matter
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Nuclear Physics: Principles and Applications
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Essential University Physics
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A Philosopher's Understanding of Quantum Mechanics: Possibilities and Impossibilities of a Modal Interpretation
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An Elementary Treatise on Mechanics: Embracing the Theory of Statics and Dynamics, and Its Applications to Solids and Fluids
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An Introduction to Quantum Computing
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An Introduction to Quantum Computing
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Modern Quantum Mechanics: Pearson New International Edition
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Introduction to Quantum Mechanics: Pearson New International Edition
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University Physics with Modern Physics Technology Update: Pearson New International Edition
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The Principles of Physics
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Physics for Scientists and Engineers, Volume 1
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Quantum mechanics: an accessible introduction
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The Principles of Physics
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Essential University Physics
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Physics for Scientists and Engineers
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