Søk: 'Scandinavian perspectives on management consulting'
Strategic Advertising Management
ISBN 9780199605583 , 2012 , Larry Percy, Richard Rosenbaum-Elliott
Asia-Pacific Economic Co-Operation: Critical Perspectives on the World Economy
ISBN 9780415310987 , 2006 , Peter Drysdale, Takashi Terada
Vygotskian Perspectives on Literacy Research: Constructing Meaning through Collaborative Inquiry
ISBN 9780521630955 , 1999 , Carol D. Lee, Peter Smagorinsky
The Scottish Parliament: A Scandinavian-Style Assembly?
ISBN 9780714655673 , 2003 , David Arter
Gender and personality: current perspectives on theory and research
ISBN 9780822302629 , 1985 , Mary C. Brinton, Abigail J. Stewart
Perspectives on thinking, judging, and decision making: a tribute to Karl Halvor Teigen
ISBN 9788215018782 , 2011 , Karl Halvor Teigen, Wibecke Brun, Gideon Keren,m.fl.
Management Research
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Organizing Modernity: New Weberian Perspectives on Work, Organizations, and Society
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Stigma: Notes on the Management of Spoiled Identity
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Customer and Brand Manager Perspectives on Brand Relationships: A Conceptual Framework
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Perspectives in Sociology
ISBN 9780203965276 , 2006 , W.W. Sharrock, D.W. Francis, E.C. Cuff
Kitchen of Light: The New Scandinavian Cooking
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Perspectives in Sociology
ISBN 9780415301107 , 2006 , D.W. Francis, E. C. Cuff, W. W. Sharrock
Aid for Trade: Global and Regional Perspectives : 2007 World Report on Regional Integration
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Perspectives in Sociology
ISBN 9780415301114 , 2005 , D.W. Francis, E. C. Cuff, W. W. Sharrock
Rosabeth Moss Kanter on the Frontiers of Management
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Mediatization and Religion: Nordic Perspectives
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A Visit to Iceland and the Scandinavian North
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A Social History of Spanish Labour: New Perspectives on Class, Politics, and Gender
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Changing Work, Changing Workers: Critical Perspectives on Language, Literacy, and Skills
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Child Perspectives and Children's Perspectives in Theory and Practice
ISBN 9789048133154 , 2010 , Dion Sommer, Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson,m.fl.
American, Chinese, and Japanese perspectives on wartime Asia, 1931-1949
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Foundations of IT Service Management Based on ITIL V3: an introduction
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Child Perspectives and Children's Perspectives in Theory and Practice, 2
ISBN 9789048133161 , 2010 , Dion Sommer, Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson,m.fl.
Marketing Management
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Operations Management
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Beyond the Border War: New Perspectives on Southern Africa's Late-Cold War Conflicts
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A Visit to Iceland and the Scandinavian North
ISBN 9781435328198 , 2007 , Ida Pfeiffer
Changing work, changing workers: critical perspectives on language, literacy, and skills
ISBN 9780791432198 , 1997 , Glynda A. Hull, Glynda Huff