Søk: 'Service Management and Marketing: Customer Management in Service Competition'
Service og etikk; helseservicefag VK1
ISBN 9788205233317 , 1997 , Anne Lystad
Customer-Centered Products: Creating Succesful Products Through Smart Requirements Management
ISBN 9780814405680 , 2000 , Ivy F. Hooks, Kristin A. Farry, IVY F AUTOR HOOKS
Abcs of Activity Based Management: Crushing Competition Through Performance Improvement
ISBN 9780595358717 , 2005 , William Frost
System Center Service Manager 2010 Unleashed
ISBN 9780672334368 , 2011 , Kerrie Meyler, Alexandre Verkinderen,m.fl.
Marketing Management 7e +Spss CD Set (Wse)
ISBN 9780471376248 , 2000 , 7. utgave
Management, Marketing and the Political Economy of Travel and Tourism
ISBN 9781871916607 , 2000 , Mike Robinson
Management and Cost Accounting 8E
ISBN 9781408041802 , 2012 , 8. utgave , Colin Drury
Commercial Management in Shipping
ISBN 9781870077699 , 2005 , Don L. Dykstra
Challenges and Opportunities for Service Delivery in a Culturally Diverse Society
ISBN 9781905476398 , 2008 , Liz Marr, Burjor Avari, Akhtar Hussain
ABC's of Relationship Selling Through Service
ISBN 9780073404844 , 2010 , Charles M. Futrell
Hotel Management and Operations
ISBN 9780470177143 , 2010 , Denney G. Rutherford, Michael J. O'Fallon
Competitive Manufacturing Management: Continuous Improvement, Lean Production, Customer-Focused Quality
ISBN 9780071158206 , 1998 , John M. Nicholas
Service-oriented computing: semantics, processes, agents
ISBN 9780470091487 , 2004 , Munindar Paul Singh, Michael N. Huhns
Markedsføring og salg: for programområdet salg, service og sikkerhet i utdanningsprogrammet service og samferdsel
ISBN 9788278023266 , 2008 , David Keeping, Per Nørgaard
Creative Management and Development
ISBN 9781412922487 , 2006 , Jane Henry
Operations Management
ISBN 9780273730460 , 2009 , Nigel Slack, Robert Johnston, Stuart Chambers
Food and Beverage Management
ISBN 9780415506908 , 2012 , Bernard Davis, Peter Alcott, Ioannis Pantelidis
Management and Cost Accounting
ISBN 9780273757450 , 2011 , Srikant M. Datar, Madhav V. Rajan
Events Management
ISBN 9781856178181 , 2010 , William O'Toole, Ian McDonnell, Rob Harris,m.fl.
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ISBN 9780273655312 , 2002 , Alan Harrison,m.fl.
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ISBN 9780471755272 , 2007 , Kristiaan Helsen, Masaaki (Mike) Kotabe
Organizational Behavior and Management
ISBN 9781259060595 , 2013 , John M. Ivancevich
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ISBN 9781408088463 , 2014 , Arjan Van Weele
Advances in Services Marketing and Management: Research and Practice : A Research Annual, 1992
ISBN 9781559385435 , 1992 , Teresa A. Swartz, Stephen W. Brown,m.fl.
Strategic Advertising Management
ISBN 9780199605583 , 2012 , Larry Percy, Richard Rosenbaum-Elliott
Applications of Quality Control in the Service Industries
ISBN 9780824774660 , 1985 , A.C. Rosander
Practical Theology in Action: Christian Thinking in the Service of Church and Society
ISBN 9780281057191 , 2006 , Paul H. Ballard, John Pritchard
Management and Cost Accounting
ISBN 9780273711490 , 2008 , Charles T. Horngren, George Foster,m.fl.
Framework for Marketing Management: Integrated PharmaSim Simulation Experience
ISBN 9780136083443 , 2008 , Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane Keller,m.fl.
Service of All the Dead
ISBN 9780330261487 , 1979 , Colin Dexter