Søk: 'The California Frog-Jumping Contest: Algebra'
A Course in Linear Algebra: With Applications
ISBN 9789812700230 , 2006 , Derek John Scott Robinson
Differential Equations and Linear Algebra: International Edition
ISBN 9780138141028 , 2008 , David E. Penney, Charles Henry Edwards,m.fl.
Differential Equations and Linear Algebra Applications Manual
ISBN 9780321615251 , 2008 , David E. Penney, C. Henry Edwards, David Calvis
Elementary Linear Algebra S/M
ISBN 9780132582780 , 1987 , David E. Penney, Penny Edwards
Linear Algebra and it's Applications Plus MathXL Access Card
ISBN 9781408294635 , 2011 , Addison-Wesley, David C. Lay
Diskret matematikk og lineær algebra
ISBN 9788276743319 , 1997 , Per-Even Kleive
Matematik for lærerstuderende. Tal, algebra og funktioner. 1.-6. klasse
ISBN 9788759317945 , m.fl.
Elementær algebra og funksjonslære
ISBN 9788200218265 , 1993 , Knut Sydsæter
Student Solution Manual for Elementary Linear Algebra
ISBN 9780132397346 , 2007 , Stephen H. Friedberg, Arnold J. Insel,m.fl.
Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing Casc 2001: Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing, Kons
ISBN 9783540423553 , 2001 , Ernst Mayr, Victor Grigor?evich Ganzha,m.fl.
Algebra in Ancient and Modern Times
ISBN 9780821809891 , 1998
Elementary Linear Algebra: A Matrix Approach
ISBN 9780137167227 , 2000 , Arnold J. Insel, Lawrence E. Spence,m.fl.
Linear Algebra and Its Applications, Updated
ISBN 9780201347746 , 2000 , David C. Lay
A Computational Introduction to Number Theory and Algebra
ISBN 9780521516440 , 2009 , Victor Shoup
A Course in Linear Algebra: With Applications
ISBN 9789812700247 , 2006 , Derek John Scott Robinson
Elementary Linear Algebra Applications Version Student Solution Manual
ISBN 9780470458228 , 2010
Klassisk analyse og lineær algebra
ISBN 9788200424086 , 1998 , Arne Hole
An Introduction to Linear Algebra
ISBN 9780216914377 , 1983 , Thomas A. Whitelaw
Linear algebra and its applications: Study guide
ISBN 9780201770131 , 2003 , David C. Lay
An Introduction to Homological Algebra
ISBN 9780125992503 , 1979 , Joseph J. Rotman
A Basis for Linear Algebra
ISBN 9780471104612 , 1973 , Warren Brisley
An Introduction to Wavelets Through Linear Algebra
ISBN 9780387986395 , 2001 , Michael Frazier
Algebra & Trigonometry Graph& Mod& MML Stu Pk
ISBN 9780321200778 , 2003 , ANONIMO, Marvin Bittinger, Judith Penna
Linear Algebra and Its Applications: Study Guide
ISBN 9780201709704 , 2003 , David C. Lay
A Course in Linear Algebra
ISBN 9780677035703 , 1972 , Gareth Williams
A Course In Linear Algebra
ISBN 9782881244902 , 1972 , Gareth Williams
Introduction to Abstract and Linear Algebra
ISBN 9780862383169 , 1993 , Zhexian Wan
3,000 Solved Problems in Linear Algebra
ISBN 9780070380233 , 1988 , Seymour Lipschutz
A Computational Introduction To Number Theory And Algebra
ISBN 9780521851541 , 2005 , Victor Shoup
Matrix: Algebra, Calculus and Generalized Inverse (Part II)
ISBN 9781904602583 , 2007