Søk: 'The Shark's Paintbrush: Biomimicry and how Nature is Inspiring Innovation'
The Nature of Adolescence: 3rd Edition
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How Good Is David Mamet, Anyway?: Writings on Theater-- And Why It Matters
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Innovation management and new product development
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Nature and Society: Anthropological Perspectives
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Innovation Management: Strategy and Implementation using the Pentathlon Framework, Second Edition
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Democracy and Dictatorship: The Nature and Limits of State Power
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The Seat of the Soul: An Inspiring Vision of Humanity's Spiritual Destiny
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Nature and Society: Anthropological Perspective
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How Australia Decides: Election Reporting and the Media
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And justice there is none
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The Basics of S-plus
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Adorno on Nature
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Adorno on Nature
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Nature first: Outdoor life the friluftsliv way
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An Inquiry Into the Nature and Extent of Poetick License
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Democratic Innovation: Deliberation, Representation and Association
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Think, Play, Do: Technology, Innovation, and Organization
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Ecology & the Jewish Spirit: Where Nature and the Sacred Meet
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Digitizing The News: Innovation In Online Newspapers
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Digital Nature Photography and Adobe Photoshop
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Man is the Measure
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Social Ethics: An Introduction to the Nature and Ethics of the State
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Social Ethics: An Introduction to the Nature and Ethics of the State
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Social Nature: Theory, Practice and Politics
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Bad Leadership: What it Is, how it Happens, why it Matters
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Time's Arrow: Or The Nature of the Offence
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The Red Queen: Sex and the Evolution of Human Nature
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Introduction to Factor Analysis: What It Is and How To Do It
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Ten Types of Innovation: The Discipline of Building Breakthroughs
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The Book of Nature in Early Modern and Modern History
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