Søk: 'Valuepack: Global Marketing: A Decision-Orientated Approach/ Marketing Management and Strategy'
Foundations of Marketing
ISBN 9780077137014 , 2012 , David Jobber, John Fahy
Marketing: An Introduction
ISBN 9780273713951 , 2009 , Philip Kotler, Ross Brennan, Gary M. Armstrong,m.fl.
Geography and Tourism Marketing
ISBN 9780789003355 , 1997 , Martin Oppermann
Marketing Management ** Kun for salg til BI studenter *****
ISBN 9781847762948 , 2008
Foundations of Marketing
ISBN 9780077125608 , 2009 , David Jobber, John Fahy
Regional and Urban GIS: A Decision Support Approach
ISBN 9781606233368 , 2009 , Timothy L. Nyerges, Piotr Jankowski
Marketing Culture and the Arts
ISBN 9782980860218 , 2007
Building a Better Business: The Key to Future Marketing, Management and Motivation
ISBN 9781861977533 , 2005
Principles of Marketing
ISBN 9780273657910
Sports Marketing: A Strategic Perspective
ISBN 9780131440777 , 2005 , Matthew D. Shank
Sports Marketing: A Strategic Perspective
ISBN 9780131293854 , 2005 , Matthew D. Shank
Marketing Research: Methodological Foundations
ISBN 9781507775547 , 2015 , Dawn Iacobucci
Marketing in Travel and Tourism
ISBN 9780750686938 , 2009 , Victor T. C. Middleton, Michael Morgan
Marketing Communications: A European Perspective
ISBN 9780273685005 , 2004 , Patrick De Pelsmacker, Maggie Geuens,m.fl.
Principles of Marketing
ISBN 9780133084047 , 2013 , Philip Kotler
Marketing: An Introduction
ISBN 9780273750017 , 2011 , Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong
Marketing Management 7e +Spss CD Set (Wse)
ISBN 9780471376248 , 2000 , 7. utgave
Value-based Marketing: Marketing Strategies for Corporate Growth and Shareholder Value
ISBN 9780470773147 , 2008 , Peter Doyle
Business Statistics: A Decision-Making Approach
ISBN 9780136121015 , 2010 , Phillip C. Fry, Kent D. Smith, David F. Groebner,m.fl.
Principles of Marketing
ISBN 9780273711568 , 2008 , Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong, John A. Saunders,m.fl.
Principles and Practice of Marketing
ISBN 9780077123307 , 2010 , David Jobber
A Handbook of Marketing Mathematics: With Automatic Spreadsheets for Quantitative Marketing
ISBN 9781403342706 , 2003 , Rowland Chidomere
A Handbook of Marketing Mathematics: With Automatic Spreadsheets for Quantitative Marketing
ISBN 9781403342713 , 2003 , Rowland Chidomere
Marketing research essentials
ISBN 9780471684763 , 2005 , Carl D. McDaniel, Roger H. Gates
Online Course Pack: Internet Marketing Strategy Implementation and Practice with OneKey Blackboard Access Card Chaffey: Internet Marketing 2e
ISBN 9781405821506 , 2005 , 2. utgave , Dave Chaffey
Foundations of Marketing
ISBN 9780077121907 , 2009 , David Jobber, John Fahy
Principles of Marketing
ISBN 9780132167123 , 2011 , Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong
Management, Marketing and the Political Economy of Travel and Tourism
ISBN 9781871916607 , 2000 , Mike Robinson
Business statistics: a decision-making approach
ISBN 9780132240017 , 2008 , David F. Groebner
Breakthrough Marketing Plans
ISBN 9780230300095 , 2008 , Tim Calkins