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The Anthropology of Development and Globalization: From Classical Political Economy to Contemporary Neoliberalism
ISBN 9780631228806 , 2004 , Marc Edelman
Mind in Society: The Development of Higher Psychological Processes
ISBN 9780674576292 , 1978 , L. S. Vygotskii, Vera John-Steiner,m.fl.
Black Mexico: Race and Society from Colonial to Modern Times
ISBN 9780826347015 , 2009 , Lyman L. Johnson, Ben Vinson III, Matthew Restall
De Cive (The Citizen): Philosophical Rudiments Concerning Government and Society
ISBN 9781409989189 , 2009 , Thomas Hobbes
Asia-Pacific Economic and Security Co-operation: New Regional Agendas
ISBN 9781403918031 , 2003 , Christopher M. Dent
Global Shift, Seventh Edition: Mapping the Changing Contours of the World Economy
ISBN 9781462519552 , 2015 , 7. utgave , Peter Dicken
Contesting Global Governance: Multilateral Economic Institutions and Global Social Movements
ISBN 9780521774406 , 2000 , Steve Smith, Thomas Biersteker, Chris Brown,m.fl.
One-Dimensional Man: Studies in the Ideology of Advanced Industrial Society
ISBN 9780415289771 , 2002 , Herbert Marcuse, Douglas M. Kellner
Geographies of the New Economy: Critical Reflections
ISBN 9780415357838 , 2006 , Michael Bradshaw, Peter Daniels, Andrew Leyshon,m.fl.
Myth, Meaning, And Performance: Toward a New Cultural Sociology of the Arts
ISBN 9781594512155 , 2006 , Lisa McCormick, Professor Ron Eyerman
Pragmatism and the Political Economy of Cultural Revolution, 1850-1940
ISBN 9780807846643 , 1997 , Alan Trachtenberg, James Livingston
A Comparative Sociology of World Religions: Virtuosi, Priests, and Popular Religion
ISBN 9780814798041 , 2001 , Stephen Sharot
Explaining Society: An Introduction to Critical Realism in the Social Sciences
ISBN 9780415221825 , 2001 , Berth Danermark, Roy Bhaskar
The Inner World: A Psycho-analytic Study of Childhood and Society in India
ISBN 9780195615081 , 1982 , Sudhir Kakar
Principled Agents?: The Political Economy of Good Government
ISBN 9780199283910 , 2007 , Timothy Besley
Sociology: A Brief But Critical Introduction
ISBN 9780333427392 , 1986 , Anthony Giddens
Essential Mathematics for Economic Analysis with MyMathLab Global Access Card
ISBN 9780273787624 , 2012 , Peter J. Hammond, Arne Strom
E-commerce: Business, Technology, Society
ISBN 9780136006459 , 2008 , Carol Guercio Traver, Kenneth Craig Laudon
Explaining Civil Society Core Activism: Testing Western Theories in Post-Soviet Latvia
ISBN 9783639049473 , 2008 , Tove Linden
Universal Human Rights in Theory and Practice
ISBN 9780801477706 , 2013 , Jack Donnelly
Outlines and Highlights for International Political Economy by Thomas Oatley, Isbn: 9780205559916
ISBN 9781428844360 , 2009 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews
Capital: A Critique of Political Economy
ISBN 9780853159797 , 2003 , Friedrich Engels, Marx Karl, Samuel Moore,m.fl.
Essays in international economic theory: The theory of commercial policy
ISBN 9780262021968 , 1984 , Robert C. Feenstra, Jagdish N. Bhagwati
Economic History of Twentieth-Century Europe
ISBN 9780511166730 , 2006 , Ivan T. Berend
A Global Warming Forum: Scientific, Economic, and Legal Overview
ISBN 9780849344190 , 1993 , Richard A. Geyer
Understanding European Trade Unionism: Between Market, Class and Society
ISBN 9780761952213 , 2001 , Richard Hyman
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Entrepreneurial Marketing: The Growth of Small Firms in the New Economic Era
ISBN 9781840649123 , 2002 , Bjorn Bjerke, Clars M. Hultman
The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Authoritarianism: Puritanism, Democracy, and Society
ISBN 9780387493206 , 2007 , Milan Zafirovski
Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology
ISBN 9781444170115 , 2014