Søk: 'Democracy and Human Rights in Latin America'
Boiling Mad: Inside Tea Party America
ISBN 9780805093483 , 2010 , Kate Zernike
Human Sexuality in a World of Diversity (Book Alone)
ISBN 9780205406159 , 2005 , Lois Fichner-Rathus, Jeffrey S. Nevid,m.fl.
Not For Profit: Why Democracy Needs the Humanities
ISBN 9780691140643 , 2010 , Martha C. Nussbaum
Costa Rica: Quest for Democracy
ISBN 9780813337142 , 1999 , John A. Booth
Challenges to representative democracy: parties, voters and public opinion
ISBN 9788276745153 , 1999 , Hanne Marthe Narud, Toril Aalberg
Religion som bevegelse: læring, kunnskap og mediering
ISBN 9788215021287 , 2013 , Geir Afdal,m.fl.
The Physiology of Truth: Neuroscience and Human Knowledge
ISBN 9780674032606 , 2009 , Jean-Pierre Changeux, M. B. Debevoise
The Physiology of Truth: Neuroscience and Human Knowledge
ISBN 9780674012837 , 2009 , Jean-Pierre Changeux
Methods In Human Geography: A Guide For Students Doing A Research Project
ISBN 9780582473218 , 2005 , David M. Martin, Robin Flowerdew,m.fl.
Human Biology 7e
ISBN 9780495015963 , 2006 , 7. utgave , Cecie Starr, Beverly McMillan
The Human Body: Image and Emotion
ISBN 9780500300930 , 1999 , Philippe Comar, Dorie B. Baker
The Devil in the White City: Murder, Magic, and Madness at the Fair That Changed America
ISBN 9780553813531 , 2004 , Erik Larson
America for Sale: How the Foreign Pack Circled and Devoured Esmark
ISBN 9780313376788 , 2009 , Craig T. Bouchard, James V. Koch
The Failure of Presidential Democracy
ISBN 9780801846403 , 1994 , Arturo Valenzuela, Juan J. Linz
Human bones: a scientific and pictorial investigation
ISBN 9780131479401 , 2004 , R.McNeill Alexander
America rules: US foreign policy, globalization and corporate USA
ISBN 9780863223099 , 2003
Democracy and regulation: how the public can govern essential services
ISBN 9780745319438 , 2002 , Greg Palast, Jerrold Oppenheim, Theo MacGregor
Human Biology
ISBN 9780534387976 , 2002 , Cecie Starr, Beverly McMillan
Human Physiology
ISBN 9780130559869 , 2002 , Dee Unglaub Silverthorn
Human Geography
ISBN 9780071199315 , 2002 , Arthur Getis, Judith Getis,m.fl.
Race: The History of an Idea in America, 2nd Edition
ISBN 9780195097788 , 1997 , 2. utgave , Thomas F. Gossett, Shelley Fisher Fishkin
Central America: On a Shoestring
ISBN 9781741040296 , 2004 , Lucas Vidgen, Robert Reid, Gary Chandler,m.fl.
South America on a shoestring
ISBN 9781741041637 , 2004 , Sandra Bao, Danny Palmerlee, Charlotte Beech
The imitation of Christ in four books: a translation from the Latin
ISBN 9780375700187 , 1998 , Thomas A Kempis, Jesus Christ
Biographical Dictionary of Latin American and Caribbean Political Leaders
ISBN 9780313243530 , 1988 , Robert J. Alexander
Atlas of Human Anatomy: Including Student Consult Interactive Ancillaries and Guides
ISBN 9781455704187 , 2014 , Frank H. Netter
The Making of Christian Myths in the Periphery of Latin Christendom (CA. 1000-1300)
ISBN 9788763504072 , 2006 , Lars Boje Mortensen
The human past: world prahistory & the development of human societies : with 753 illustrations, 211 in color
ISBN 9780500285312 , 2005 , Christopher Scarre, Chris Scarre
Organized democracy: political institutions in a welfare state, the case of Norway
ISBN 9788200064428 , 2002 , Johan Peder Olsen
Life-Span Human Development
ISBN 9781111343156 , 2011