Søk: 'A History of Visual Culture: Western Civilisation from the 18th to the 21st Century'
Racism in the 21st Century: How Everybody Can Make a Difference
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The Works: A Translation for the 21st Century. 1 : Books ; 13. On Genesis : a refutation of the Manichees
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Mission to the World: Communicating the Gospel in the 21st Century: Essays in Honour of Knud Jørgensen
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Interpretive Ethnography: Ethnographic Practices for the 21st Century
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Communication and Leadership in the 21st Century: The Difficult Path from Classical Public Relations to Genuine Modern Communication Management
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Dirty Cash: Organised Crime in the 21st Century
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A Companion to the History of the English Language
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Fallen Giants: A History of Himalayan Mountaineering from the Age of Empire to the Age of Extremes
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An Introduction to Visual Culture: 2nd Edition
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Ancient Philosophy:A New History of Western Philosophy, Volume 1: A New History of Western Philosophy
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A History of the United Nations: The years of Western domination, 1945-1955
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A History of Western Music, 7th Ed
ISBN 9780393927498 , 2005 , 7. utgave , Donald Jay Grout, Claude V. Palisca,m.fl.
The Price of Freedom: a history of East Central Europe from the Middle Ages to the present
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Concise history of the language sciences: from the Sumerians to the cognitivists
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Visual Communication: From Theory to Practice
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International History of the Twentieth Century and Beyond
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Visual Methodologies: An Introduction to the Interpretation of Visual Materials
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The Price of Freedom: A History of East Central Europe from the Middle Ages to the Present
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The History of Modern Europe: From the French Revolution to the Present
ISBN 9780393969283 , 1996 , John M. Merriman