Søk: 'Acting With Technology: Activity Theory and Interaction Design'
Manufacturing Engineering and Technology
ISBN 9780130174406 , 2001
Dictionary of Science and Technology
ISBN 9780713686517 , 2007
Confronting Mass Democracy and Industrial Technology: Political and Social Theory from Nietzsche to Habermas
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Introduction to Cryptography: With Coding Theory
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Children's Liturgical Calendar Activity Book
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Research Methods in Human-computer Interaction
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Acting in an Uncertain World: An Essay on Technical Democracy
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Electrical Circuits and Digital Design, Part 1
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Solutions Manual for "Linear System Theory and Design, Third Edition"
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Capturing Sound: How Technology Has Changed Music [With CD]
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Hughes Electrical and Electronic Technology
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Industrial Organization: Contemporary Theory and Practice (with Economic Applications)
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Media, Technology and Society
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Confronting mass democracy and industrial technology: political and social theory from Nietzsche to Habermas
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Sociological Theory
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Television: Technology and Cultural Form
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Economics and the social sciences: boundaries, interaction and integration
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