Søk: 'Antiquity and the Middle Ages: from ancient Greece to the 15th century'
Readings In Ancient Greek Philosophy: From Thales To Aristotle
ISBN 9780872207707 , 2005 , S. Marc Cohen
The Ancient World in the Cinema
ISBN 9780300083378 , 2001 , Jon Solomon
A History of Auditing: The Changing Audit Process in Britain From the Nineteenth Century to the Presend Day
ISBN 9780415381697 , 2006 , Derek Matthews
Sanctuaries and the Sacred in the Ancient Greek World
ISBN 9780521006354 , 2005 , John Pedley
Classical Rhetoric and Its Christian and Secular Tradition from Ancient to Modern Times
ISBN 9780807847695 , 1999 , George Alexander Kennedy
The Middle of Nowhere: Why the Middle East Is Not Important
ISBN 9781843548188 , 2009 , Edward Luttwak
History of Europe and the Middle East
ISBN 9780199180776 , 2010 , David Smith, Richard Jones-Nerzic, David Keys,m.fl.
Women and religion in the Middle East and the Mediterranean
ISBN 9788274771581 , 2004 , Inger Marie Okkenhaug, Ingvar B. Mæhle
Gardner's Art Through the Ages
ISBN 9780495030386 , 2004 , 12. utgave , Fred Kleiner, Christin J. Mamiya
Exploring the World of the Ancient Greeks
ISBN 9780500288740 , 2010
The Power and the People: Paths of Resistance in the Middle East
ISBN 9780521007269 , 2013 , Charles Tripp
Performance Art: From Futurism to the Present
ISBN 9780500204047 , 2011 , RoseLee Goldberg
The Ancient Mesopotamian City
ISBN 9780198152866 , 1999
The Middle East, 12th Edition
ISBN 9781604265484 , 2010 , 12. utgave , Ellen Lust
A Companion to the Eighteenth-century English Novel and Culture
ISBN 9781405192453 , 2009 , Paula R. Backscheider, Catherine Ingrassia
Archaeology and the emergence of Greece: collected papers on early Greece and related topics (1965-2002)
ISBN 9780748623334 , 2006 , A. M. Snodgrass
A Handbook of Greek Art/a Survey of the Visual Arts of Ancient Greece
ISBN 9780714824963 , 1993 , Gisela M.A. Richter
A History Of Painting In Italy - Umbria Florence And Siena From The Second To The Sixteenth Century - Vol. III
ISBN 9781444623970 , 2009 , J. A. Crowe
ISBN 9782067105119 , 2004 , Michelin Travel Publications, Michelin Staff
ISBN 9783832790028 , 2004 , Dimitris Angelis, Raine Kiedrowski
ISBN 9781740594707 , 2004 , David Willett, Des Hannigan, Carolyn Bain,m.fl.
Readings in Ancient Greek Philosophy: From Thales to Aritotle
ISBN 9780872205383 , 2000 , Patricia Curd, C. D. C. Reeve, S. Marc Cohen
Leonardo to the Internet: Technology & Culture from the Renaissance to the Present
ISBN 9780801878084 , 2004 , Thomas J. Misa
Ancient Music in the Pines
ISBN 9780880500036 , Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh
Communication and Leadership in the 21st Century: The Difficult Path from Classical Public Relations to Genuine Modern Communication Management
ISBN 9783892049425 , 2008 , Holger Sievert, Daniela Bell
Consuming Desires: Family Crisis and the State in the Middle East
ISBN 9780804761567 , 2010 , Frances Hasso
A History of the Jews of Arabia: From Ancient Times to Their Eclipse Under Islam
ISBN 9781570038853 , 2009 , Gordon Darnell Newby
From an Outlaw to the Cross
ISBN 9781606474198 , 2008 , Robert Travelbee
Cosmos, Chaos, and the World to Come: The Ancient Roots of Apocalyptic Faith
ISBN 9780300090888 , 2001 , Norman Cohn
India - The Ancient Past: A History of the Indian Sub-Continent from C. 7000 BC to AD 1200
ISBN 9780415356152 , 2007 , Burjor Avari