Søk: 'Bound Together: How Traders, Preachers, Adventurers, and Warriors Shaped Globalization'
An Introduction to Philosophy: Globalization, Deterritorialization and Hybridity
ISBN 9780745616636 , 2002
Aging, globalization, and inequality: the new critical gerontology
ISBN 9780895033581 , 2006 , Chris Phillipson, Jan Baars, Dale Dannefer,m.fl.
The Globalization and Development Reader: Perspectives on Development and Global Change
ISBN 9781405132367 , 2006 , J. Timmons Roberts, Amy Bellone Hite
Keeping Together in Time: Dance and Drill in Human History
ISBN 9780674502307 , 1997 , William Hardy McNeill
A surveillance society?: Report, together with formal minutes
ISBN 9780215520791 , 2008 , m.fl.
Globalization: a critical introduction
ISBN 9780333660225 , 2000
Cultural Control And Globalization in Asia: Copyright, Piracy And Cinema
ISBN 9780415352017 , 2005 , Pang Laikwan
Crazy Horse and Custer: the epic clash of two great warriors at the Little Bighorn
ISBN 9780743468640 , 2003 , Stephen E. Ambrose, Crazy Horse,m.fl.
One Economics, Many Recipes: Globalization, Institutions, and Economic Growth
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Sophistry -- A Romantic Comedy: True Stories of Preachers' and Christian and Muslim Presidents' Wives, Teachers, Lawyers, Medical Doctors, and Student
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Food and Globalization: Consumption, Markets and Politics in the Modern World
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Food and Globalization: Consumption, Markets and Politics in the Modern World
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Geographies of Globalization: A Critical Introduction
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The Myth of Media Globalization
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Globalization and Contestation: The New Great Counter-Movement
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Java: How to Program
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The Devil Behind the Mirror: Globalization and Politics in the Dominican Republic
ISBN 9780520282254 , 2014 , Steven Gregory
Globalization and Insecurity in the Twenty-first Century
ISBN 9780198515654 , 2002 , Annika S. Hansen, C. P. Andrews-Speed,m.fl.
The Globalization of World Politics: An Introduction to International Relations
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How Languages Are Learned 4e Paperback
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Globalization, the internal dynamic
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How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper
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Christianity, Social Change, and Globalization in the Americas
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When you and I are together: a guide for parents
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Work After Globalization: Building Occupational Citizenship
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Latin American Social Movements: Globalization, Democratization, And Transnational Networks
ISBN 9780742553323 , 2006
A Letter to the Deists: Bound with Short and Easie Method with the Deists
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Scriptures In Dialogue: Christians And Muslims Studying The Bible And The Qur'an Together
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Globalization: Tame It Or Scrap It?: Mapping the Alternatives of the Anti-Globalization Movement
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The Myth of Media Globalization
ISBN 9780745639093 , 2007 , Kai Hafez, Alex Skinner