Søk: 'Captive Audience: Media, Masculinity, and Power in Prisons'
The Media in Question: Popular Cultures and Public Interests
ISBN 9780761957232 , 1997 , Liesbet van Zoonen, Joke Hermes, Kees Brants
Media studies: key issues and debates
ISBN 9781412929837 , 2007
Worlds of Power: Religious Thought and Political Practice in Africa
ISBN 9781850657354 , 2004 , Stephen Ellis, Gerrie ter Haar
Worlds of Power: Religious Thought and Political Practice in Africa
ISBN 9781850657347 , 2004 , Stephen Ellis, Gerrie ter Haar
Digital Media Revisited: Theoretical And Conceptual Innovations In Digital Domains
ISBN 9780262621922 , 2004 , Gunnar Liestøl, Terje Rasmussen, Andrew Morrison
The Prisoner Society: Power, Adaptation, and Social Life in an English Prison
ISBN 9780199577965 , 2009 , Ben Crewe
Media ownership: research and regulation
ISBN 9781572736849 , 2008
The Media and Social Theory
ISBN 9780415448000 , 2008 , Jason Toynbee
Media Now: Understanding Media, Culture, and Technology With Infotrac
ISBN 9780534620196 , 2003
Tactical Media
ISBN 9780816651511 , 2009 , Rita Raley
The Ideology of Power and the Power of Ideology
ISBN 9781859842126 , 1999 , Göran Therborn
Of Paradise and Power: America and Europe in the New World Order
ISBN 9781400034185 , 2004 , Robert Kagan
Media discourses: analysing media texts
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Bolivia: revolution and the power of history in the present : essays
ISBN 9781900039819 , 2007 , James Dunkerley
Media Literacy
ISBN 9781412979450 , 2010
Power and Contestation: India Since 1989
ISBN 9781842778159 , 2007
Young people and new media: childhood and the changing media environment
ISBN 9780761964667 , 2002 , Sonia Livingstone, Moira Bovill
Beyond Globalization: Making New Worlds in Media, Art, and Social Practices
ISBN 9780813551531 , 2011
Beyond Globalization: Making New Worlds in Media, Art, and Social Practices
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Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty
ISBN 9781846684302 , 2013 , Daron Acemoglu, James A. Robinson
Africa in Global Power Play: Debates, Challenges and Potential Reforms (Hb)
ISBN 9781905068616 , 2007 , Bhekinkosi Moyo
Journalistic ethics: moral responsibility in the media
ISBN 9780131825390 , 2006 , Michael Boylan, Dale Jacquette
Media and modernity - a social theory of the media
ISBN 9780745610054 , 1995 , John B. Thompson
Dissent Events: Protest, Media and the Political Gimmick in Australia
ISBN 9780868406510 , 2002 , Sean Scalmer
Power and Plenty: Trade, War, and the World Economy in the Second Millennium
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Power Electronics: Converters, Applications, and Design
ISBN 9780471226932 , 2002 , Ned Mohan, William P. Robbins, Tore M. Undeland
Advances in Transport Phenomena in Porous Media
ISBN 9789024735334 , 1987 , M.Yavuz Corapcioglu, Jacob Bear,m.fl.
Communication theories: origins, methods, and uses in the mass media
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Language and Symbolic Power
ISBN 9780745610344 , 1992 , Pierre Bourdieu
Technology and Gender: Fabrics of Power in Late Imperial China
ISBN 9780520208612 , 1997 , Francesca Bray