Søk: 'Classical Theories of International Relations [Recurso Electrónico]'
Theories of Race and Racism: A Reader
ISBN 9780415412537 , 2009 , Les Back, John Solomos
Classical Philosophy: A History of Philosophy Without Any Gaps
ISBN 9780199674534 , 2014 , Peter Adamson
Essentials of computational chemistry: theories and models
ISBN 9780470091821 , 2004 , Christopher J. Cramer
Images of Myths in Classical Antiquity
ISBN 9780521788090 , 2002 , Susan Woodford
A Study of Organised Crime from an International Relations Perspective: IR Theory and Case Study
ISBN 9783843370707 , 2010 , Aida Ciro
The Twenty Years' Crisis 1919-1939: An Introduction to the Study of International Relations
ISBN 9780333963777 , 2001 , Michael Cox, Edward Hallett Carr
Handbook for Classical Research
ISBN 9780415425230 , 2010 , David M. Schaps
Systems and Theories of Psychology
ISBN 9780030919862 , 1974 , James Patrick Chaplin, Theophile Stanley Krawiec
The Archaeology of Mesopotamia: Theories and Approaches
ISBN 9780415253178 , 2003
Classical Greece and the Birth of Western Art
ISBN 9780521618359 , 2008 , Andrew Stewart
A New History of Classical Rhetoric
ISBN 9780691000596 , 1994 , George Alexander Kennedy
Communication Theories: Origins, Methods and Uses in the Mass Media: International Edition
ISBN 9780205727261 , 2008 , Werner J. (Werner Joseph) Severin
Media, Technology, and Society: Theories of Media Evolution
ISBN 9780472050826 , 2010
Elements of Ecology: International Edition
ISBN 9780321796578 , 2011 , Robert Leo Smith, Thomas M. Smith
International relations: the global condition in the twenty-first century
ISBN 9780070490833 , 1998 , Frederic S. Pearson, J. Martin Rochester
Strategic Planning for Public Relations
ISBN 9780415506762 , 2013
A guide to international monetary economics: exchange rate theories, systems and policies
ISBN 9781843765950 , 2004 , Hans Visser, Herschel Visser
Classical Electromagnetic Theory
ISBN 9781402026997 , 2004
An Inventory of Archaic and Classical Poleis
ISBN 9780198140993 , 2004 , Mogens Herman Hansen, Thomas Heine Nielsen
The Classical Language of Architecture
ISBN 9780262690126 , 1966 , John Summerson, British Broadcasting Corporation
Introducing Translation Studies: Theories and Applications
ISBN 9780415584890 , 2012 , Jeremy Munday
The Economics of Contracts: Theories and Applications
ISBN 9780521893138 , 2002 , Eric Brousseau, Jean-Michel Glachant
Classical and Gothic
ISBN 9781851829453 , 2005
Classical Sociological Theory
ISBN 9780072296068 , 1999 , George Ritzer
Intergroup Relations
ISBN 9780335209897 , 2003 , Marilynn B. Brewer
Classical Sociological Theory
ISBN 9780761987802 , 2002
theories and applications
ISBN 9789812791184 , 2003 , Akira Hirose
Microeconomics: International Edition
ISBN 9780133041705 , 2012 , Robert Pindyck, Daniel Rubinfeld
Classical Hollywood Cinema
ISBN 9780203358818 , 2004 , Janet Staiger, David Bordwell
Media, Technology, and Society: Theories of Media Evolution
ISBN 9780472070824 , 2010