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Making an Impact
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The Romans and Their Gods: In the Age of Augustus
ISBN 9780701114961 , 1970
The Romans and Their Gods in the Age of Augustus
ISBN 9780393005431 , 1970 , Robert Maxwell Ogilvie
Land-use Changes and Their Environmental Impact in Rural Areas in Europe
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Linear Algebra and Its Applications: Pearson New International Edition
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Age of the Platform
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Age Differences in Word and Language Processing
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Instrumentation and Control Systems
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Comparative Literature in the Age of Multiculturalism
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A Network Orange: Logic and Responsibility in the Computer Age
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Modernity and self-identity - self and society in the late modern age
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Fundamentalism: Prophecy and Protest in an Age of Globalization
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Boron and Its Role in Crop Production
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Absorption and Theatricality: Painting and Beholder in the Age of Diderot
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Cognitive Surplus: Creativity and Generosity in a Connected Age
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Teaching in the Knowledge Society: Education in the Age of Insecurity
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The Coming of Age of Information Technologies and the Path of Transformational Growth.: A long run perspective on the 2000s recession
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Conquest in Cyberspace: National Security and Information Warfare
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Theories of the Information Society
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Information Technology and the Networked Economy
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Age Differences in Word and Language Processing
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Simulation and Its Discontents
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The Euro: Its Origins, Development and Prospects
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