Søk: 'Communication: Theories & Appl'
Gender, Politics and Communication
ISBN 9781572732414 , 1999 , Liesbet van Zoonen, Annabelle Sreberny-Mohammadi
Business Communication: Building Critical Skills
ISBN 9780073261409 , 2006 , Kitty O. Locker, Stephen Kyo Kaczmarek
International Communication: Continuity and Change
ISBN 9780340888926 , 2006 , Daya Kishan Thussu
Concepts and Theories of Human Development
ISBN 9781138012455 , 2001 , Richard M. Lerner
Intercultural Communication in the Global Workplace
ISBN 9780071289122 , 2010 , Linda Beamer, Iris Varner
Communication and Reference
ISBN 9783110100679 , 1984 , Aloysius Martinich
Theories of Race and Racism: A Reader
ISBN 9780415412537 , 2009 , Les Back, John Solomos
Introducing Translation Studies: Theories and Applications
ISBN 9780415229272 , 2001 , Jeremy Munday
Essentials of computational chemistry: theories and models
ISBN 9780470091821 , 2004 , Christopher J. Cramer
Advertising as Communication
ISBN 9780415027816 , 1982 , Gillian Dyer
Business Communication: Building Critical Skills
ISBN 9780073377728 , 2008 , Kitty O. Locker, Stephen Kyo Kaczmarek
Media, Technology, and Society: Theories of Media Evolution
ISBN 9780472050826 , 2010
The Archaeology of Mesopotamia: Theories and Approaches
ISBN 9780415253178 , 2003
Theories of Counseling and Psychotherapy: A Multicultural Perspective: A Multicultural Perspective
ISBN 9781412987233 , 2011 , Allen E. Ivey, Mary Bradford Ivey,m.fl.
Mass Communication: Theory And Practice
ISBN 9788124101346 , 2007
Skilled Interpersonal Communication: Research, Theory and Practice
ISBN 9780415432047 , 2010 , Owen Hargie
Visual Communication: From Theory to Practice
ISBN 9782940373093 , 2005 , Jonathan Baldwin, Lucienne Roberts
Advances in Communication Control Networks
ISBN 9783540228196 , 2004 , Sophie Tarbouriech, Chaouki T. Abdallah,m.fl.
Communication, Power and Organization
ISBN 9783110148978 , 1996 , Mats Alvesson
Theories of development: concepts and applications
ISBN 9780139554025 , 1999
Effective Organisational Communication: Perspectives, Principles and Practices
ISBN 9780273713753 , 2008 , Richard Blundel, Kate Ippolito
Critical Theories of Psychological Development
ISBN 9780306424311 , 1987 , J. M. Broughton
Social Work Theories in Context: A Critical Introduction
ISBN 9781403916228 , 2005 , Karen Healy
Human Biology: Control and communication
ISBN 9780749214418 , 2006
An Introduction to Political Communication
ISBN 9780415307079 , 2003 , Brian McNair
Applied Theories in Occupational Therapy: A Practical Approach
ISBN 9781556425738 , 2008 , Rosanna Tufano, Marli Cole, Marilyn B. Cole
Communication Sciences Student Survival Guide
ISBN 9781401882563 , 2005 , Marie A. Patton
Augmentative and Alternative Communication
ISBN 9781897635599 , 1996 , Stephen von Tetzchner, Mogens Hygum Jensen
Electronics & Communication Engineering Journal
ISBN 9780852968079 , 1994 , Institution of Electrical Engineers,m.fl.
Corporate Communication: A Strategic Approach to Building Reputation
ISBN 9788213029551 , 2011 , Peggy Simcic Brønn, Roberta Wiig Berg