Søk: 'Computer Simulated Experiments for Electric Circuits Using Electronics Workbench Multisim'
Experiments for Electrical Machines, Drives and Power Systems: For Electrical Engineering Technology Students
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Interaction Design: Beyond Human - Computer Interaction
ISBN 9780470665763 , 2011 , Jenny Preece, Yvonne Rogers, Helen Sharp
Designing the User Interface: Strategies for Effective Human-Computer Interaction
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ISBN 9780470862933 , 2006 , Dieter Gollmann
Cell and molecular biology: concepts and experiments
ISBN 9780471268901 , 2002 , Gerald Karp
Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++
ISBN 9780321992789 , 2014 , Bjarne Stroustrup
Microelectronic Circuits and Devices
ISBN 9780137013357 , 1995 , Mark N. Horenstein
Experiments in Heat Transfer and Thermodynamics
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Foundations of Analog and Digital Electronic Circuits
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Computer Organization and Architecture: Designing for Performance
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Defect Oriented Testing for Cmos Analog and Digital Circuits
ISBN 9780792380832 , 1998 , Manoj Sachdev
Experiments in physics: a laboratory manual for scientists and engineers
ISBN 9780471805717 , 1985 , Daryl W. Preston
Spatial Control of Vibration: Theory and Experiments
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Discovering Statistics Using R
ISBN 9781446200452 , 2012 , Andy Field, Zoe Field
Computer organization
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Database Tuning: Principles, Experiments, and Troubleshooting Techniques
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Computer systems for automation and control
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Computer Science Illuminated
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Using Statistics in Economics
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A Collection of Interesting General Chemistry Experiments
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A Guide to Experiments in Quantum Optics
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Structured Computer Organization: International Edition
ISBN 9780135094051 , 2009 , 5. utgave , Andrew S. Tanenbaum
Silicon Dioxide in Solid State Electronics
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The Science of Electronics: Analog Device
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Engineering electronics: a practical approach
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Analysis of Linear Circuits
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Introduction to Computer Security
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Computer Science: An Overview
ISBN 9780321544285 , 2008 , J. Glenn Brookshear
Using Information Technology
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Computer Organization and Architecture: Designing for Performance. by William Stallings
ISBN 9780273769194 , 2012 , William Stallings