Søk: 'Cross-cultural business behavior: negotiating, selling, sourcing and managing across cultures'
Psychology: The Science of Mind and Behavior
ISBN 9780071221641 , 2010 , 5. utgave , Michael W. Passer, Ronald E. Smith
Negotiating Caribbean Freedom: Peasants, And The State in Development
ISBN 9780739110379 , 2004 , Michaeline A. Crichlow
Communication between cultures
ISBN 9780495007272 , 2006 , 6. utgave
Introducing Intercultural Communication: Global Cultures and Contexts
ISBN 9781848600362 , 2010
Consumer Behavior
ISBN 9780071259354 , 2008 , Jerry C. Olson, Jerry Jerry Corrie Olson
Culture and Social Behavior
ISBN 9780073052601 , 2004 , Harry Charalambos Triandis
Consumer Behavior
ISBN 9780071267816 , 2010 , Jerry C. Olson
Global Marketing and Advertising: Understanding Cultural ...
ISBN 9781452257174 , 2013 , Marieke de Mooij
Behavior Analysis and Learning: Fifth Edition
ISBN 9781848726154 , 2013 , 5. utgave
Cultural Studies: Theory and Practice
ISBN 9781412924160 , 2008 , Chris (university Of Wollongong) Barker
Engineering and Managing Software Requirements
ISBN 9783642064074 , 2010 , Aybuke Aurum, Claes Wohlin
Leading, Managing and Developing People
ISBN 9781843982579 , 2010 , Ray French, Gary Rees
Rendezvous of European legal cultures
ISBN 9788245008401 , 2010 , Jørn Øyrehagen Sunde, Knut Einar Skodvin
Selling Today: Partnering to Create Value: Global Edition
ISBN 9781292060170 , 2014 , Gerald L. Manning, Barry Reece
Cultural Studies: Theory and Practice
ISBN 9780857024794 , 2011 , Chris Barker
Cross-curricular Approaches to Teaching and Learning
ISBN 9781847875945 , 2009 , Chris Rowley, Hilary Cooper
Managing Monsters
ISBN 9781409028703 , 2010
Organizational Behavior
ISBN 9780078112645 , 2012 , Steven McShane, Mary Von Glinow
Television and Cultural Studies
ISBN 9780415915045 , 2007 , Lynn Spigel
Behavior management: the new science of managing people at work
ISBN 9780471029472 , 1978
Cultures of Conversions
ISBN 9789042917538 , 2006 , Jan N. Bremmer, Wout Jac. van Bekkum,m.fl.
Managing Museums and Galleries
ISBN 9780415094962 , 1997
Managing Museums and Galleries
ISBN 9780415094979 , 1997
Bergin and Garfield's Handbook of Psychotherapy and Behavior Change
ISBN 9781118038208 , 2013
Analyzing Politics: Rationality, Behavior, and Institutions
ISBN 9780393935073 , 2010
The Fiery Cross
ISBN 9780099710011 , 2002 , Diana Gabaldon
@cross; teacher's book
ISBN 9788249605781 , 2004 , Drew Rodgers, Hellevi Haugen, Tom W. Hansen,m.fl.
Guanxi and Business
ISBN 9789812700469 , 2007 , Yadong Luo
Consumer Behavior
ISBN 9780131869608 , 2007 , Leon G. Schiffman, Leslie Lazar Kanuk
Business to Business Marketing: Relationships, Networks and Strategies
ISBN 9780199551682 , 2010 , Nick Ellis