Søk: 'Culture and Social Change'
Exploring Strategic Change
ISBN 9780273708025 , 2008 , Gerry Johnson, Kevan Scholes, Julia Balogun
Discourse and Social Life
ISBN 9780582404687 , 2000 , Malcolm Coulthard, Srikant Sarangi
Spreadable Media: Creating Value and Meaning in a Networked Culture
ISBN 9780814743508 , 2013 , Henry Jenkins, Joshua Green
Medicine as Culture: Illness, Disease and the Body
ISBN 9781446208953 , 2012 , Deborah Lupton
Strategic Change: Dualism, Duality, and Beyond
ISBN 9788279351450 , 2004 , Mona Ericson
Switch: How to Change Things When Change is Hard
ISBN 9781847940322 , 2011 , Chip Heath, Dan Heath
Animal Cell Culture: Concept and Application
ISBN 9781842654880 , 2011 , Sheelendra Mangal Bhatt
Health, Illness and Culture: Broken Narratives
ISBN 9780415988742 , 2008 , Jens Brockmeier, Lars-Christer HydÊn
Communication and Culture: An Introduction
ISBN 9780761968276 , 2000 , Tony Schirato
Culture and Rights: Anthropological Perspectives
ISBN 9780521797351 , 2001 , Jane K. Cowan, Marie-Benedicte Dembour,m.fl.
Miles Davis and American Culture
ISBN 9781883982386 , 2001 , Gerald Lyn Early
Glacier Fluctuations and Climatic Change
ISBN 9780792301103 , 1989 , Johannes Oerlemans
Stability and Change in the Modern Middle East
ISBN 9781848855854 , 2011 , Kjetil Selvik, Stig Stenslie
Communication and culture: an introduction
ISBN 9780761968269 , 2000 , Tony Schirato
Manoeuvring in an environment of uncertainty: structural change and social action in sub-Saharan Africa
ISBN 9780754611943 , 2000 , Boel Berner
Ethics and Values in Social Work
ISBN 9780230300170 , 2012 , Sarah Banks
Culture and Human Nature
ISBN 9781560007029 , 1987 , Melford E. Spiro, Benjamin Kilborne,m.fl.
Ideology and Modern Culture: Critical Social Theory in the Era of Mass Communication
ISBN 9780804718455 , 1991 , John B. Thompson
Organization development and transformation: managing effective change
ISBN 9780072481679 , 2004 , Wendell L. French, Cecil H. Bell,m.fl.
Persuasion, Social Influence, and Compliance Gaining
ISBN 9780205796588 , 2010 , Robert H. Gass, John S. Seiter
Studying Popular Music Culture
ISBN 9781446207727 , 2013 , Tim Wall
Media Education: Literacy, Learning, and Contemporary Culture
ISBN 9780745628301 , 2003 , David Buckingham
Social Research Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches
ISBN 9781292020235 , 2013 , W. Lawrence Neuman
Environment and Social Theory
ISBN 9780415376167 , 2006 , John Barry
Living in Denial: Climate Change, Emotions, and Everyday Life
ISBN 9780262515856 , 2011 , Kari Marie Norgaard
Feminism, Femininity and Popular Culture
ISBN 9780719043956 , 2000 , Joanne Hollows
Ideology and Modern Culture: Critical Social Theory in the Era of Mass Communication
ISBN 9780745600826 , 1990 , John B. Thompson
Understanding Popular Culture
ISBN 9780415596534 , 2010 , John Fiske
Climate Change in Africa
ISBN 9781848130159 , 2009
Values and Ethics in Social Work
ISBN 9781446203194 , 2012 , Andrew Maynard