Søk: 'E2A: Architecture, Piet Eckert & Wim Eckert'
Monumentality and the Roman Empire: Architecture in the Antonine Age
ISBN 9780199288632 , 2007 , Edmund Thomas
Mda Explained, the Model Driven Architecture: Practice and Promise
ISBN 9780321194428 , 2003
The Eyes of the Skin: Architecture and the Senses
ISBN 9780470015797 , 2005 , Juhani Pallasmaa
Scenographic Architecture and the Venetian Baroque
ISBN 9780030782206 , 1963 , Rudolf Wittkower
Introduction to Medieval Europe, 300-1550: Age of Discretion
ISBN 9780415346993 , 2007 , Peter Hoppenbrouwers, Wim Blockmans
A History of Modern Art: Painting, Sculpture, Architecture, Photography
ISBN 9780131195691 , 2004 , H. Harvard Arnason, Marla Prather
Assembly Language and Computer Architecture Using C++ and Java
ISBN 9780534405274 , 2004 , Anthony J. Dos Reis
Information Architecture for the World Wide Web, 2nd Edition
ISBN 9780596000356 , 2002 , 2. utgave , Louis Rosenfeld
Pattern-oriented software architecture: a system of patterns
ISBN 9780471958697 , 1996 , Frank Buschmann, Regine Meunier, Hans Rohnert,m.fl.
Gruk om håp: et utvalg
ISBN 9788249602278 , 2002 , Piet Hein
Gruk om livet: et utvalg
ISBN 9788249602308 , 2002 , Piet Hein
Gruk om vennskap: et utvalg
ISBN 9788249602292 , 2002 , Piet Hein
Gruk om verden; et utvalg
ISBN 9788249602285 , 2002 , Piet Hein
Art and architecture in Italy: 1250 to 1400
ISBN 9780300055856 , 1993 , John White
20th-Century Architecture: The Structures That Shaped the Century
ISBN 9781842220146 , 2003 , Jonathan Glancey
Taking Shape: A New Contract Between Architecture and Nature
ISBN 9780750649483 , 2001 , Susannah Hagan
Software Systems Architecture: Working with Stakeholders Using Viewpoints and Perspectives
ISBN 9780321112293 , 2005 , Nick Rozanski, Eóin Woods
The Architecture of Madness: Insane Asylums in the United States
ISBN 9780816649402 , 2007 , Carla Yanni
Enterprise Business Architecture: The Formal Link Between Strategy And Results
ISBN 9780849327889 , 2004 , Conrad B. Myrick, Ralph Whittle Whittle
A System for Selection of Building Elements in Architectural Design: Architecture
ISBN 9783838315041 , 2010 , Halil Alibaba
Architecture and the Allied Arts, Greek, Roman, Byzantine, Romanesque and Gothic
ISBN 9781142217372 , 2010 , Alfred Mansfield Brooks
Gruk om reiser: et utvalg
ISBN 9788246700465 , 2000 , Piet Hein
Gruk om været: et utvalg
ISBN 9788246700441 , 2000 , Piet Hein
Programms and manifestoes on 20th century architecture
ISBN 9780262530309 , 1976 , Ulrich Conrads
Gruk; nye gruk
ISBN 9788246700366 , 1999 , Piet Hein
Nature's museums: Victorian science and the architecture of display
ISBN 9780801863264 , 1999 , Carla Yanni
Management Control Systems: Performance Measurement, Evaluation and Incentives
ISBN 9780273737612 , 2011 , Wim A. Van Der Stede
The Architecture of Roman Temples: The Republic to the Middle Empire
ISBN 9780521723718 , 2008 , John W. Stamper
Nature's museums: Victorian science and the architecture of display
ISBN 9780485004052 , 1999 , Carla Yanni
A Handbook of Greek and Roman Architecture
ISBN 9780521094528 , 1969 , Donald Struan Robertson