Søk: 'Foster on Eu Law'
Europa i revers: en debattbok om Oslo og EU
ISBN 9788279160106 , 2001 , Knud Blaauw
Pursuing grounded theory in law: South-North experiences in developing women's law
ISBN 9788251836821 , 1998 , Anne Hellum, Welshman Ncube, Torben Agersnap,m.fl.
Principles of European Contract Law
ISBN 9789041113054 , 1999 , The Commission on European Contract Law,m.fl.
Environmental Health Law Reports 2000
ISBN 9780421737105 , 2001
A Practical Approach to Trade Mark Law
ISBN 9780199579686 , 2010 , Amanda Michaels, Andrew Norris
I law you: historier fra jussens verden
ISBN 9788205431225 , 2012 , André Clemetsen
Transnational commercial law: text, cases, and materials
ISBN 9780199251667 , 2007 , Professor Sir Roy Goode, Ewan McKendrick,m.fl.
On Ugliness
ISBN 9780847837236 , 2011 , Umberto Eco
An Introduction to the Islamic (sharia) Law and to Its Effect on the Upstream Petroleum Sector
ISBN 9781900297394 , 2003 , Michael A.G. Bunter
A Common Law of International Adjudication
ISBN 9780199206506 , 2007 , Chester Brown
Economics of Labor and Employment Law
ISBN 9781845427061 , 2007 , John J Donohue
Introduction to Dutch Law: Fourth Edition
ISBN 9789041122698 , 2007 , 4. utgave , Ewoud H. Hondius, Jeroen Chorus, Piet-Hein Gerver
Sociology of Crime, Law, and Deviance
ISBN 9780762313068 , 2007
Analysing the Foreign Policy of Small States in the EU
ISBN 9780230511422 , 2005 , Dr Henrik Larsen
Ambivalent neighbors: the EU, NATO and the price of membership
ISBN 9780870031991 , 2002 , Dmitrii Trenin
On Human Rights
ISBN 9780199573103 , 2009
The Eu S Common Foreign and Security Policy: The Quest for Democracy
ISBN 9780415508544 , 2012
Human Rights: Law and Practice
ISBN 9780406901262 , 1999 , Emma Dixon, Ben Emmerson, Javan Herberg,m.fl.
Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in International Law
ISBN 9781841139159 , 2009
Law and Disorder in the Postcolony
ISBN 9780226114088 , 2006 , Jean Comaroff
Perspectives on Personality
ISBN 9780205219681 , 2011 , Charles S. Carver
Consumer law in the global economy: national and international dimensions : [papers from the Fifth International Conference on Consumer Law held at Osgoode Hall Law School, York University, Toronto, Canada, 25-27 May 1995]
ISBN 9781855218437 , 1997 , Iain Ramsay
Re-imagining the Trust: Trusts in Civil Law
ISBN 9781107011328 , 2012
The EU and Neighbors: A Geography of Europe in the Modern World
ISBN 9780471655541 , 2007 , Brian W. Blouet
A Review of Education Law
ISBN 9781871241297 , 1996 , Richard Clutterbuck
James' Introduction to English Law
ISBN 9780406024459 , 1996
Discourse on Free Will
ISBN 9781780938233 , 2013 , Martin Luther, Desiderius Erasmus
History on Film/Film on History
ISBN 9780582505841 , 2006 , Robert A. Rosenstone
Folkesuvereniteten, Stortinget og Grunnlovi kontra norsk medlemskap i EU
ISBN 9788278340080 , 1997 , Alv Askeland
Africa: Mapping New Boundaries in International Law
ISBN 9781849461177 , 2010 , Jeremy I. Levitt