Søk: 'Grey Wolf: Axis Forces on the Eastern Front, January 1944-February 1945'
The Zaza Kurds of Turkey: A Middle Eastern Minority in a Globalised Society
ISBN 9781845118754 , 2011 , Mehmed S. Kaya
Latin America: Development and Conflict Since 1945
ISBN 9780415318235 , 2004 , John Ward
British Society Since 1945: The Penguin Social History of Britain
ISBN 9780141005270 , 2003 , Arthur Marwick, John Harold Plumb
The writing on the wall
ISBN 9781900850582 , 2004 , Gunnar Staalesen
Norge under okkupasjonen: 1940-1945
ISBN 9788245808841 , 2008 , Chr. A. R Christensen
Kleine Geschichte Deutschlands Seit 1945
ISBN 9783423308304 , 2002 , Jurgen Weber
Anatomy Flash Cards: Anatomy on the Go
ISBN 9781604062151 , 2009 , Lawrence M. Ross, Michael Schuenke, Erik Schulte,m.fl.
Mitt sårede hjerte: Lilli Jahns liv 1900 - 1944
ISBN 9788205314573 , 2004 , Martin Doerry
Samlede dikt: 1945-1965
ISBN 9788203180743 , 1999 , Arnulf Øverland
The Emergence of the New South, 1913-1945
ISBN 9780807100202 , 1967
Primer on the Rheumatic Diseases
ISBN 9780387356648 , 2007 , John H. Klippel, Leslie J. Crofford,m.fl.
Bomber over barneskolen: bombingen av Holen skole 4. oktober 1944
ISBN 9788292514122 , 2006 , Ingebjørg Jensen
Velferdens grenser: innvandringspolitikk og velferdsstat i Skandinavia 1945-2010
ISBN 9788215016177 , 2010 , Anniken Hagelund, Grete Brochmann, Karin Borevi,m.fl.
The House on Mango Street
ISBN 9780747560876 , 2004 , Sandra Cisneros
Central Europe Since 1945
ISBN 9780582036086 , 1994 , Paul G. Lewis
Universitetet i kamp: 1940-1945
ISBN 9788275960908 , 2007 , Jorunn Sem Fure
Crisis and crossfire: the United States and the Middle East since 1945
ISBN 9781574888201 , 2005 , Peter L. Hahn
Hobbes: On the Citizen
ISBN 9780521437806 , 1998 , Quentin Skinner, Raymond Geuss, Thomas Hobbes,m.fl.
America, Russia, and the Cold War, 1945-1996
ISBN 9780070360648 , 1996
Discourse on the Origin of Inequality
ISBN 9780199555420 , 2009 , Jean Jacques Rousseau, Patrick Coleman,m.fl.
The Landing on the Sun
ISBN 9780571204342 , 2000 , Michael Frayn
Eyes off the Prize: The United Nations and the African American Struggle for Human Rights, 1944-1955
ISBN 9780521824316 , 2003 , Carol Anderson
Societies in Eclipse: Archaeology of the Eastern Woodlands Indians, A.D. 1400-1700
ISBN 9780817353520 , 2006 , Jeffrey L. Hantman, James W. Bradley,m.fl.
Den annen front: fra Humanistisk Kollegium : 2. årgang
ISBN 9788203180514 , 1998
Carried on the Wind
ISBN 9781905022304 , 2007 , Corona Ahrens
Bonk on the Head
ISBN 9780889712041 , 2005 , John James Ford
British Politics Since 1945
ISBN 9780631190752 , 1995 , Peter Dorey
Amnesty international report: 1998 : this report covers the period January to December 1997
ISBN 9780862102722 , 1998
The Ecological Rift: Capitalism's War on the Earth
ISBN 9781583672181 , 2011 , John Bellamy Foster, Richard York
The Burglar on the Prowl
ISBN 9781842431177 , 2004 , Lawrence Block