Søk: 'Identity in Adolescence'
Being Lakota: identity and tradition on Pine Ridge Reservation
ISBN 9780803237506 , 2007
The American musical and the performance of personal identity
ISBN 9780691125244 , 2006
Beverly Hills, 90210: Television, Gender, and Identity
ISBN 9780812234091 , 1997 , E.Graham McKinley
Settling the pop score: pop texts and identity politics
ISBN 9780754603511 , 2002 , Stan Hawkins
Music, space and place: popular music and cultural identity
ISBN 9780754637370 , 2004 , Sheila Whiteley, Andy Bennett, Stan Hawkins
Gendered Talk at Work: Constructing Gender Identity Through Workplace Discourse
ISBN 9781405178457 , 2008 , Janet Holmes
Africa and the nation-state: state formation and identity in Ancient Egypt, Hausaland, and Southern Africa
ISBN 9780773457430 , 2006 , Lamont DeHaven King
Leadership in Organizations
ISBN 9780273765660 , 2012 , Gary A. Yukl
Adolescent Rationality and Development: Cognition, Morality, and Identity, Third Edition
ISBN 9781848728608 , 2011 , 3. utgave , David Moshman
Stigma: Notes on the Management of Spoiled Identity
ISBN 9780140124750 , 1990 , Erving Goffman
Charon's Daughter: A Passion of Identity
ISBN 9780871406286 , 1977 , Nancy Cummings De Foret, Edward Estlin Cummings
The Social Construction of Man, the State, and War: Identity, Conflict, and Violence in Former Yugoslavia
ISBN 9780415929639 , 2002 , Franke Wilmer
ISBN 9783639282948 , 2010 , Peter van den Hoogen
American Political Cartoons: The Evolution of a National Identity, 1754-2010
ISBN 9781412811194 , 2011
Digital culture, play, and identity: a World of Warcraft reader
ISBN 9780262033701 , 2008 , Jill Walker Rettberg, Hilde G.. Corneliussen
Culture and rationality: European frameworks of Norwegian identity
ISBN 9788276343878 , 2001 , J. Peter Burgess
The Social Construction of Man, the State and War: Identity, Conflict, and Violence in Former Yugoslavia
ISBN 9780203800843 , 2002 , Franke Wilmer
Am I still a woman?: hysterectomy and gender identity
ISBN 9781592132119 , 2004
Class, nation, and identity: the anthropology of political movements
ISBN 9780745316727 , 2003
The Cinema of Hong Kong: History, Arts, Identity
ISBN 9780521772358 , 2000 , David Desser, Poshek Fu
The Lost Self: Pathologies of the Brain and Identity
ISBN 9789780195175 , 2005
Gendered Talk at Work: Constructing Gender Identity Through Workplace Discourse
ISBN 9781405117593 , 2006 , Janet Holmes
Identity, Difference Politics: How Difference Is Produced, and Why It Matters
ISBN 9780774815901 , 2009 , Rita Dhamoon
Black Women's Writing: Quest for Identity in the Plays of Lorraine Hansberry and Ntozake Shange
ISBN 9780861323937 , 1998 , Y.S. Sharadha
Child Safety: Problem and Prevention from Preschool to Adolescence : a Handbook for Professionals
ISBN 9780415124768 , 1996 , Bill Gillham, James Alick Thomson
The Social Construction of Man, the State, and War: Identity, Conflict, and Violence in Former Yugoslavia
ISBN 9780415929622 , 2002 , Franke Wilmer
Fishers and scientists in modern Turkey: the management of natural resources, knowledge and identity on the eastern Black Sea coast
ISBN 9781845454401 , 2008 , Ståle Knudsen
That's Funny, You Don't Look Like a Teacher!: Interrogating Images and Identity in Popular Culture
ISBN 9780750704120 , 1995 , Claudia Mitchell, Sandra J. Weber
African dream machines: style, identity and meaning of African headrests
ISBN 9781868144587 , 2008 , Anitra Nettleton
The Argumentative Indian: Writings on Indian History, Culture and Identity
ISBN 9780141012117 , 2006 , Amartya K. Sen