Søk: 'International Political Economy'
“The†End of Capitalism (as We Knew It): A Feminist Critique of Political Economy ; with a New Introduction
ISBN 9780816648054 , 2006 , J.K. Gibson-Graham
The micro economy today
ISBN 9780073662732 , 2000 , Bradley R. Schiller
International Economics
ISBN 9780199567096 , 2012 , Charles Van Marrewijk
Applied International Trade
ISBN 9780230521544 , 2012
Understanding International Conflicts: An Introduction to Theory and History : Longman Classics in Political Science
ISBN 9780321393951 , 2007 , Joseph S Nye, Jr.
Britain & Europe: A Political History Since 1918
ISBN 9780415400206 , 2010 , N.J. Crowson
International Financial Management
ISBN 9781408032299 , 2011 , Jeff Madura, Roland Fox, A. Fox
Political Ideologies: An Introduction
ISBN 9780333961780 , 2003 , Andrew Heywood
The political economy of the Internet in Asia and the Pacific: digital divides, economic competitiveness, and security challenges
ISBN 9780275980214 , 2004 , Jason P, Dr Abbott
Market Structure and Foreign Trade: Increasing Returns, Imperfect Competition, and the International Economy
ISBN 9780262580878 , 1987 , Paul R. Krugman
International Economics
ISBN 9781429231183 , 2011 , Robert C. Feenstra, Alan M. Taylor
Essentials of Statistics: International Edition
ISBN 9780321721693 , 2010 , Mario F. Triola
Introduction to Political Theory
ISBN 9780582473737 , 2006 , John Hoffman, Paul Graham
NATO's European Allies: Military Capability and Political Will
ISBN 9781137034991 , 2013 , Janne Haaland Matlary, Magnus Petersson
Governing the Global Economy: Politics, Institutions, and Economic Development
ISBN 9780415665360 , 2011 , Dag Harald Claes, Carl Henrik Knutsen
International Marketing Strategy
ISBN 9781408044070 , 2012 , Isobel Doole, Robin Lowe
Political Islam: a critical reader
ISBN 9780415560283 , 2010
Organic Chemistry: International Student Version
ISBN 9781118323793 , 2013 , T. W. Graham Solomons, Craig B. Fryhle
Campaigns and Political Marketing
ISBN 9780789032096 , 2006 , Wayne P. Steger, Sean Q. Kelly, J. Mark Wrighton
Campaigns and Political Marketing
ISBN 9780789032102 , 2006 , Wayne P. Steger, Sean Q. Kelly, J. Mark Wrighton
International Relations Brief: International Edition
ISBN 9780205730254 , 2009 , Joshua S. Goldstein, Jon C. Pevehouse
International Human Resource Management
ISBN 9781408032091 , 2012 , Marion Festing, Allen D. Engle
Ways of Knowing: Competing Methodologies in Social and Political Research
ISBN 9780230360693 , 2012 , Torbjørn Knutsen, Jonathon Moses
Computational Macroeconomics for the Open Economy
ISBN 9780262123068 , 2008 , Paul D. McNelis, Guay C. Lim
Open economy macroeconomics. 1(2006)
ISBN 9781843764564 , 2005 , Norman C. Miller
International Human Resource Management
ISBN 9781408075746 , 2013 , Peter Dowling, Allen D. Engle Sr.
The Oxford Handbook of Political Behavior
ISBN 9780199566013 , 2009 , Hans-Dieter Klingemann
Religion and the Political Imagination
ISBN 9780521147347 , 2010 , Gareth Stedman Jones, Ira Katznelson
International Economics: Theory and Policy, Global Edition
ISBN 9781292019550 , 2014 , Paul Krugman, Marc Melitz
Political Ideologies, Fourth Edition: An Introduction
ISBN 9780230521803 , 2007 , 4. utgave , Andrew Heywood