Søk: 'Interpreting Diana: Television Audiences and the Death of a Princess'
By This Shall We Be Known: Interpreting the Voice, Vision and Message of Martin Luther King JR.
ISBN 9781462706006 , 2011 , Terriel R. Byrd
Interpreting Utterances: Pragmatics and Its Interfaces : Essays in Honour of Thorstein Fretheim
ISBN 9788270994557 , 2007 , Randi Alice Nilsen, Nana Aba Appiah Amfo,m.fl.
Interpreting Late Antiquity: Essays on the Postclassical World
ISBN 9780674005983 , 2001 , Glen Warren Bowersock, Peter Robert Lamont Brown,m.fl.
Cronica de una muerte anunciada / Chronicle of a Death Foretold
ISBN 9788439703860 , 1999 , Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Transnational television worldwide: towards a new media order
ISBN 9781850435471 , 2004 , Jean K. Chalaby
Body and Sacred Place in Medieval Europe, 1100-1389: Interpreting the Case of Chartres Cathedral
ISBN 9780203009062 , 2003 , Dawn Marie Hayes
European Television in the Digital Age: Issues, Dyamnics and Realities
ISBN 9780745628738 , 2002 , Stylianos Papathanassopoulos
Death of a Salesman: Certain Private Conversations in Two Acts and a Requiem
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Emma's War: Love, Betrayal and Death in the Sudan
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A Discourse Delivered at Hanover, N.H. May 7, 1841: On the Occasion of the Death of William Henry H
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Choosing mercy: a mother of murder victims pleads to end the death penalty
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Life and Death in Shanghai
ISBN 9780006548614 , 1995 , Nien Cheng
Yours Until Death
ISBN 9781906413705 , 2010 , Gunnar Staalesen,m.fl.
Interpreting Qualitative Data: Methods for Analyzing Talk, Text and Interaction
ISBN 9781412922456 , 2006 , David Silverman
European Television in the Digital Age: Issues, Dyamnics and Realities
ISBN 9780745628721 , 2002 , Stylianos Papathanassopoulos
Rape on the Prime Time: Television, Masculinity, and Sexual Violence
ISBN 9780812217100 , 1999 , Lisa M. Cuklanz
The Critical Link 4: Professionalisation of Interpreting in the Community : Selected Papers from the 4th International Conference on Interpreting in Legal, Health and Social Service Settings, Stockholm, Sweden, 20-23 May 2004
ISBN 9789027216786 , 2007 , Birgitta Englund Dimitrova, Cecilia Wadensjö,m.fl.
Applied Ethics and Social Policy: Moral Questions of Birth, Scoiety and Death
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After Death - What?
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Death in Delhi
ISBN 9781601251374 , 2009 , Gary Gygax, Pierce Watters, James L. Sutter
By This Shall We Be Known: Interpreting the Voice, Vision and Message of Martin Luther King JR.
ISBN 9781462711567 , 2011 , Terriel R. Byrd
Critical security, democratisation and television in Taiwan
ISBN 9780754612179 , 2001 , Gary D. Rawnsley, Ming-Yeh T. Rawnsley
Basi and company: four television plays
ISBN 9781870716031 , 1988 , Ken Saro-Wiwa
Interpreting the City: An Urban Geography, 2nd Edition
ISBN 9780471887508 , 1992 , 2. utgave , Truman Asa Hartshorn
From the Brink of the Apocalypse: Confronting Famine, War, Plague, and Death in the Later Middle Ages
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From the Brink of the Apocalypse: Confronting Famine, War, Plague, and Death in the Later Middle Ages
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The game of death in ancient Rome: arena sport and political suicide
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Adolescent Encounters with Death, Bereavement, and Coping
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Anagrams of Desire: Angela Carter's Writing for Radio, Film, and Television
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Bitten to Death
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