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Religion in India: A Historical Introduction
ISBN 9780415940245 , 2006 , Fred Clothey
Contemporary Philosophy of Religion
ISBN 9781557864499 , 1997
Occupy Religion: Theology of the Multitude
ISBN 9781442217928 , 2013 , Joerg Rieger, Kwok Pui-Lan
Kwaio Religion: The Religion and the Dead in a Solomon Island Society
ISBN 9780231053419 , 1982 , Roger M. Keesing
The Meaning and End of Religion
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Environmental Science: Earth as a Living Planet
ISBN 9781118427323 , 2014 , Daniel B. Botkin, Edward A. Keller
Understanding Solids: The Science of Materials
ISBN 9781118423462 , 2013 , Richard J. D. Tilley
Psychology: The Science of Mind and Behavior
ISBN 9780073382760 , 2007 , Michael W. Passer, Ronald E. Smith
Yearbook of science and the future
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Strategic Management of Science and Technology
ISBN 9780134851600 , 1997 , Bernard W. Taylor, Robin Fears, Joe Anderson
Psychology: The Science of Behavior
ISBN 9780205547869 , 2008 , John W. Donahoe
Secularism, Religion and Multicultural Citizenship
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ISBN 9780300001372 , 1977 , C. G. Jung
Contemporary Philosophy of Social Science: A Multicultural Approach
ISBN 9781557865380 , 1996 , Brian Fay
The Anthropology of Religion: An Introduction
ISBN 9781405121040 , 2006 , Fiona Bowie
The Science and Engineering of Materials
ISBN 9780748740833 , 1996 , Donald R. Askeland, Frank Haddleton
Principles of imaging science and protection
ISBN 9780721634289 , 1994 , Steven B. Dowd, Michael A. Thompson,m.fl.
The Sociology of Religion
ISBN 9780807042052 , 1992 , Max Weber, Ephraim Fischoff
Religion and Human Rights: An Introduction
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Contemporary Philosophy of Religion
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Measurement and analysis of political systems: a science of social behavior
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The Story of Science: Power, Proof and Passion
ISBN 9781845335472 , 2010 , John Lynch, Michael Mosley
Religion and the Politics of Identity in Kosovo
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Energy Science: Principles, Technologies, and Impacts
ISBN 9780199592371 , 2013 , John Andrews, Nicholas Alfred Jelley, Nick Jelley
Seven Theories of Religion
ISBN 9780195087246 , 1996 , Daniel L. Pals
Romersk religion
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Building Peace: Sustainable Reconciliation in Divided Societies
ISBN 9781878379733 , 1998 , John Paul Lederach
Materials Science of Concrete
ISBN 9781574980691 , 2006 , Sidney Mindess, Jan P. Skalny
Religion, Modernity and Postmodernity
ISBN 9780631198482 , 1998 , David Martin, Paul Heelas, Paul Morris
Religion and the Romans
ISBN 9781853991806 , 1998 , Ken Dowden