Søk: 'Langenscheidt Power Worterbuch Deutsch'
China rising: peace, power, and order in East Asia
ISBN 9780231141888 , 2007 , David Chan-oong Kang, David C. Kang
Transient Analysis of Electric Power Circuits Handbook
ISBN 9780387287973 , 2005 , Arieh L. Shenkman
Language, Society and Power: An Introduction
ISBN 9780415187459 , 1999 , Joanna Thornborrow, Linda Thomas, Shan Wareing,m.fl.
American Government: Freedom and Power : Brief
ISBN 9780393978230 , 2002 , Theodore J. Lowi
Russian foreign policy: the return of great power politics
ISBN 9780742557949 , 2009 , Jeffrey Mankoff
Japan and China As Charm Rivals: Soft Power in Regional Diplomacy
ISBN 9780472035601 , 2013
Designing Embedded Processors: A Low Power Perspective
ISBN 9781402058684 , 2007 , Jörg Henkel, Sri Parameswaran
Art, power, and patronage in Renaissance Italy
ISBN 9780131935105 , 2005 , John T. Paoletti, Gary M. Radke
Russian Foreign Policy: The Return of Great Power Politics
ISBN 9781442208254 , 2011 , Jeffrey Mankoff
Electric Machinery and Power System Fundamentals
ISBN 9780071226202 , 2001 , Stephen J. Chapman
Power Speed ENDURANCE: A Skill-Based Approach to Endurance Training
ISBN 9781936608614 , 2012 , Glen Cordoza, Brian MacKenzie
Organizing and Reorganizing: Power and Change in Health Care Organizations: Power and Change in Health Care Organizations
ISBN 9780230542945 , 2008 , Lorna McKee, Ewan Ferlie, Paula Hyde
The Fabric of Reality
ISBN 9780140146905 , 1998 , David Deutsch
Hold That Pose: Visual Culture in the Late Nineteenth-Century Spanish Periodical
ISBN 9780271032030 , 2008 , Lou Charnon-Deutsch
The Persistent Power of Human Rights: From Commitment to Compliance
ISBN 9781107609365 , 2013 , Kathryn Sikkink, Thomas Risse
American Government: Freedom and Power, 2006 Edition
ISBN 9780393924848 , 2006 , 8. utgave , Theodore J. Lowi
Real Ultimate Power: The Official Ninja Book
ISBN 9780806525693 , 2004 , Robert Hamburger
Courts and Power in Latin America and Africa
ISBN 9780230621008 , 2010 , Siri Gloppen, Bruce M. Wilson, Roberto Gargarella,m.fl.
Practical Variable Speed Drives and Power Electronics
ISBN 9780750658089 , 2003 , Malcolm Barnes
The Audit Society
ISBN 9780198296034 , 1999 , Michael Power
Worlds of Food : Place, Power, and Provenance in the Food Chain: Place, Power, and Provenance in the Food Chain
ISBN 9780199542284 , 2008 , Kevin Morgan
RF Power Amplifiers for Wireless Communications
ISBN 9780890069899 , 1999 , Steve C. Cripps
The Secret Power of Music
ISBN 9780855001964 , 1984 , David Tame
Crude power: politics and the oil market
ISBN 9781860648182 , 2002 , Øystein Noreng
Governing Globalization: Power, Authority and Global Governance
ISBN 9780745627342 , 2002 , David Held, Anthony G. McGrew
Emerging Issues in Green Criminology: Exploring Power, Justice and Harm
ISBN 9781137273970 , 2013 , Diane Westerhuis, Tanya Wyatt
Gut Feeling: The Secret Power of a Little-Known Organ
ISBN 9781922247964 , 2015 , Giulia Enders
Managing transport energy: power for a sustainable future
ISBN 9780199261796 , 2007 , James P. Warren
Power and Plenty: Trade, War, and the World Economy in the Second Millennium
ISBN 9780691143279 , 2009
Power Management ICs - A Top-Down Design Approach
ISBN 9781411663596 , 2006 , Prof. Gabriel Alfonso Rincon-Mora Ph.D.