Søk: 'Language and Species'
The Lacanian Subject: Between Language and Jouissance
ISBN 9780691015897 , 1996 , Bruce Fink
Authority In Language: Investigating Standard English
ISBN 9780415696838 , 2012 , James Milroy, Lesley Milroy
Introducing Second Language Acquisition
ISBN 9780521794077 , 2005 , Muriel Saville-troike
Applied Cognitive Linguistics in Second Language Learning and Teaching
ISBN 9789027239952 , 2010 , Jeannette Littlemore, Constanze Juchem-Grundmann
An Easy and Practical Introduction to the Latin Language
ISBN 9780554795171 , 2008 , A. H. Monteith
An Easy and Practical Introduction to the Latin Language
ISBN 9780554795157 , 2008 , A. H. Monteith
An Easy and Practical Introduction to the Latin Language
ISBN 9780554795089 , 2008 , A. H. Monteith
An Easy and Practical Introduction to the Latin Language
ISBN 9780554795119 , 2008 , A. H. Monteith
Metaphor and Emotion: Language, Culture, and Body in Human Feeling
ISBN 9780521541466 , 2003
Language Development: An Introduction
ISBN 9780205441808 , 2004 , Robert E. Owens
Teaching a Foreign Language: Principles and Procedures
ISBN 9788276744002 , 1998 , Aud Marit Simensen
Crosswords: Language, Education and Ethnicity in French Ontario
ISBN 9783110176872 , 2002 , Monica Heller
Natural Language Processing with Python
ISBN 9780596516499 , 2009 , Steven Bird, Edward Loper
The species concept in the high north: a Panarctic flora initiative
ISBN 9788290888331 , 1999 , Inger Nordal, Vladimir Yu. Razzhivin
Second Language Writing Systems
ISBN 9781853597947 , 2005 , Vivian James Cook, Benedetta Bassetti
Second Language Writing Systems
ISBN 9781853597930 , 2005 , Benedetta Bassetti, V. Vivian James Cook
Gateway to Chinese Language
ISBN 9789629962128 , 2005 , Jing-Heng Sheng Ma,m.fl.
American Food and Game Fishes. A Popular Account of All the Species Found in America North of the Eq
ISBN 9781110336869 , 2009 , David Starr Jordan, Barton Warren Evermann
Language Transfer in Language Learning: Revised Edition
ISBN 9789027224767 , 1992 , Susan M. Gass, Larry Selinker
The Arabic Language
ISBN 9780231111522 , 1997 , Kees Versteegh
Age Differences in Word and Language Processing
ISBN 9780080526867 , 1995 , Philip A. Allen, P.A. Allen
Power talk: language and interaction in institutional discourse
ISBN 9780582368798 , 2001 , Joanna Thornborrow
Business English
ISBN 9781400006618 , 2009 , Living Language
Language Acquisition
ISBN 9780521282383 , 1982 , Lila R. Gleitman, Eric Wanner
Philosophy of Language
ISBN 9781857284706 , 1998 , Alex Miller
Understanding Language Change
ISBN 9780521446655 , 1994 , April M. S. McMahon
Teaching and Learning in the Language Classroom: A Guide to Current Ideas about the Theory and Practice of English Language Teaching
ISBN 9780194421720 , 2000 , Tricia Hedge
Understanding Organizations Through Language
ISBN 9780761967194 , 2003
Applying Cognitive Linguistics to Second Language Learning and Teaching
ISBN 9780230219489 , 2009 , Jeannette Littlemore
The Origins and Development of the English Language
ISBN 9780155070554 , 2004 , John Algeo, Thomas Pyles