Søk: 'Learning XML'
Learning strategies and skill learning: essays in honour of Nils Søvik
ISBN 9788251913409 , 1998
Handbook of Organizational Learning and Knowledge
ISBN 9780198295822 , 2003 , Ariane Berthoin Antal, John Child, Ikujiro Nonaka
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems
ISBN 9781565923249 , 1997 , Randal L. Schwartz, Tom Christiansen, Eric Olson
Learning to Listen, Learning to Teach: The Power of Dialogue in Educating Adults
ISBN 9780787959678 , 2002 , Jane K. Vella
Learning Autodesk 3ds Max 2010 Foundation for Games
ISBN 9780240811949 , 2009 , Autodesk
Active learning: models from the analytical sciences
ISBN 9780841274044 , 2008 , Patricia Ann Mabrouk,m.fl.
Applications of Machine Learning Techniques to Bioinformatics
ISBN 9783639054408 , 2008 , Haifeng Li
Machine Learning in Document Analysis and Recognition
ISBN 9783540762799 , 2008 , Simone Marinai, Hiromichi Fujisawa
Connecting Leadership and Learning: Principles for Practice
ISBN 9780415452922 , 2008 , John MacBeath, David Frost, Sue Swaffield,m.fl.
Movement and Learning in the Early Years
ISBN 9781412902373 , 2004 , Christine MacIntyre, Kim McVitty
Developing Leadership: A Learning and Development Manual
ISBN 9781905541614 , 2010 , Neil Thompson
Distance Learning Technology and Applications
ISBN 9780890067390 , 1996 , Daniel Minoli
Motor Learning: Concepts and Applications
ISBN 9780071158213 , 1998 , Richard A. Magill
Communities of Practice: Learning, Meaning, and Identity
ISBN 9780521663632 , 1999
Assessment for Learning: Current Practice Exemplars from the Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning
ISBN 9781861351852 , 2007 , Joanne Smailes, Liz McDowell, Kay Sambell,m.fl.
Learning Perl Objects, References, and Modules
ISBN 9780596004781 , 2003 , Randal L. Schwartz, Tom Phoenix
MATLAB Tutorial CD: Learning MATLAB Superfast
ISBN 9780471274698 , 2005
The Principles of Learning and Behavior
ISBN 9780495007012 , 2005 , 5. utgave , Michael Domjan
Cross-linguistic Similarity in Foreign Language Learning
ISBN 9781853599347 , 2006 , Håkan Ringbom
Principles of Learning and Behavior
ISBN 9780534346706 , 1997 , Michael Domjan, Barbara Burkhard
Machine Learning Methods in the Environmental Sciences
ISBN 9780511590856 , 2009 , Hsieh
Cross-curricular Approaches to Teaching and Learning
ISBN 9781847875952 , 2009 , Chris Rowley, Hilary Cooper
Culture, Motivation, and Learning: A Multicultural Perspective
ISBN 9781593116989 , 2007 , Farideh Salili, Rumjahn Hoosain
Strategies for Teaching Students with Learning Disabilities
ISBN 9789781412967 , 2009 , Lucy C. Martin
Learning a New Land: Immigrant Students in American Society
ISBN 9780674045804 , 2010 , Carola Suarez-Orozco, Irina Todorova
Rethinking Pedagogy for a Digital Age: Designing for 21st Century Learning
ISBN 9780415539975 , 2013 , Helen Beetham, Rhona Sharpe
Language Transfer in Language Learning
ISBN 9789027224682 , 1992 , Susan M. Gass, Larry Selinker
Learning Across Sites: New Tools, Infrastructures and Practices
ISBN 9780415581752 , 2010 , Sten R. Ludvigsen, Ingvill Rasmussen, Roger Saljo
Assessment For Learning: Putting it into Practice
ISBN 9780335212972 , 2003 , Paul Black, Bethan Marshall, Clare Lee,m.fl.
Astronomy: A Zephyr Learning Packet
ISBN 9780913705032 , 1993 , Carolyn Zolg, Stacey Lynn