Søk: 'Minding the Body: Clinical Uses of Somatic Awareness'
Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics
ISBN 9780702042935 , 2011 , Roger Walker, Ph.D., Cate Whittlesea, Ph.D.
The Social Body: Habit, Identity and Desire
ISBN 9780761966401 , 2001 , Nick Crossley
Body Image: Understanding Body Dissatisfaction in Men, Women, and Children
ISBN 9780415358217 , 2007 , Sarah Grogan
Brink's Modern Internal Auditing: A Common Body of Knowledge
ISBN 9780470293034 , 2009 , Robert Moeller
Belly and Body in the Pauline Epistles
ISBN 9780521018968 , 2005 , John Court
Motor Control: Translating Research Into Clinical Practice
ISBN 9781451117103 , 2011 , Anne Shumway-Cook, Marjorie Hines Woollacott
Female Fertility and the Body-Fat Connection
ISBN 9780226265452 , 2002 , Rose Epstein Frisch, Robert L. Barbieri
Engravings of the Arteries: Illustrating the Second Volume of the Anatomy of the Human Body and Serving As an Introduction to the Surgery of the Arter
ISBN 9781141247691 , 2010 , Charles Bell
Communication Theories: Origins, Methods and Uses in the Mass Media: International Edition
ISBN 9780205727261 , 2008 , Werner J. (Werner Joseph) Severin
Clinical Evaluation and Management of Spasticity
ISBN 9780896036369 , 2001
Technology and the Logic of American Racism: A Cultural History of the Body as Evidence
ISBN 9780826447500 , 2000 , Sarah E. Chinn
Clinical Toxicology
ISBN 9780203493267 , 2003
Belly and Body in the Pauline Epistles
ISBN 9780521815352 , 2002
Clinical Handbook of Internal Medicine: The Treatment of Disease with Traditional Chinese Medicine
ISBN 9780957972018 , 2009
Bread, Body, Spirit: Finding the Sacred in Food
ISBN 9781594732423 , 2008 , Alice Peck
A Manual of Anthropometry Or a Guide to the Physical Examination and Measurement of the Human Body
ISBN 9781141516056 , 2010 , Charles Roberts
The body, culture, and society: an introduction
ISBN 9780335204137 , 2000 , Philip Hancock,m.fl.
Tietz Textbook of Clinical Chemistry and Molecular Diagnostics
ISBN 9781416061649 , 2012 , Carl A. Burtis, David E. Bruns
Clinical Neuroanatomy
ISBN 9780071212267 , 2002
A guide to the project management body of knowledge (PMBOK guide).
ISBN 9781880410233 , 2000 , David I. Cleland
Clinical Hematology Atlas
ISBN 9781416050391 , 2009
Kaplan's Clinical Hypertension
ISBN 9781605475035 , 2009 , Norman M. Kaplan, Ronald G. Victor, M.D.
Clinical Manual of Pain Management in Psychiatry
ISBN 9781585622757 , 2007 , Raphael J. Leo
Theatres of the body: a psychoanalytic approach to psychosomatic illness
ISBN 9781853431074 , 1989 , Joyce McDougall
Clinical Neurology 8/E
ISBN 9780071759052 , 2012 , 8. utgave
Textbook of biochemistry: with clinical correlations
ISBN 9780471154518 , 1997 , Thomas M. Devlin
Advice on the Delegation of Tasks in Departments of Clinical Radiology
ISBN 9781872599243 , 1996 , Royal College of Radiologists
Underwood's Pathology: A Clinical Approach
ISBN 9780702046728 , 2013 , Simon S. Cross
Clinical Geropsychology
ISBN 9781557985194 , 1998
Clinical immunology
ISBN 9781570596254 , 1999 , Jacqueline Stanley