Søk: 'Qualitative Discourse Analysis in the Social Sciences'
Making Sense: A Student's Guide to Research and Writing : Social Sciences
ISBN 9780195430578 , 2009 , Lorne Tepperman, Margot Northey,m.fl.
Machine Learning Methods in the Environmental Sciences: Neural Networks and Kernels
ISBN 9780521791922 , 2009 , William W. Hsieh
The Sage Dictionary of Qualitative Inquiry
ISBN 9781412909273 , 2007 , Thomas A. Schwandt
Making sense: a student's guide to research and writing : social sciences
ISBN 9780195421002 , 2005 , James Russell, Lorne Tepperman, Margot Northey
Media Discourse
ISBN 9780340588895 , 1995 , Norman Fairclough
Social Security in the 21st Century
ISBN 9780631225874 , 2001 , Erling Steigum, Agnar Sandmo, Bertil Holmlund
Music as Discourse: Semiotic Adventures in Romantic Music
ISBN 9780195370249 , 2008
Narrative Discourse: An Essay in Method
ISBN 9780801492594 , 1983 , Gerard Genette, Jane E. Lewin
Changing Social Equality: The Nordic Welfare Model in the 21st Century
ISBN 9781847426598 , 2011 , Johan Fritzell
Social Psychology in Sport
ISBN 9780736057806 , 2006 , Sophia Jowett, David Lavallee
Investigating Workplace Discourse
ISBN 9780415364706 , 2004 , Almut Koester
Elementary Statistics in Social Research: The Essentials
ISBN 9780205638000 , 2010 , Jack A. Levin, Dr James Alan Fox
Social psychology in the 80s
ISBN 9780534029265 , 1984 , Kay Deaux
Material Culture in the Social World
ISBN 9780335198214 , 1999 , Tim Dant
Qualitative Interviewing: The Art of Hearing Data
ISBN 9781412978378 , 2011 , Herbert J. Rubin, Irene S. Rubin
The Quality of Qualitative Research
ISBN 9780761955986 , 1999 , Clive Seale
Data Analysis Methods in Physical Oceanography
ISBN 9780123877826 , 2014 , Richard E. Thomson, William J. Emery
The New Institutionalism in Organizational Analysis
ISBN 9780226677095 , 1991 , Walter W. Powell, Paul J. Dimaggio
Doing Qualitative Research
ISBN 9781848600331 , 2009 , David Silverman
Making sense: social sciences : a student's guide to research and writing
ISBN 9780195416473 , 2002 , Lorne Tepperman, Margot Northey,m.fl.
Qualitative Research in Education: Interaction and Practice
ISBN 9780761961406 , 2003 , Peter Freebody
Conceptualizing Behaviour in Health and Social Research: A Practical Guide to Data Analysis
ISBN 9781608763832 , 2010 , Said Shahtahmasebi, Dr. Damon Berridge
Working with Spoken Discourse
ISBN 9780761957737 , 2001 , Deborah Cameron
Contextualizing Gender in Early Christian Discourse: Thinking Beyond Thecla
ISBN 9780567030368 , 2009
Digitized Lives: Culture, Power and Social Change in the Internet Era
ISBN 9780415819312 , 2014 , T.V. Reed
Qualitative Anorganische Analyse
ISBN 9783540678755 , 2009 , Eberhard Gerdes
Data analysis for social scientists: a first course in aplied statistics
ISBN 9780534247201 , 1995 , Lawrence C. Hamilton
About the Idol Offerings: Rhetoric, Social Context, and Theology of Paul's Discourse in First Corinthians 8:1-11:1
ISBN 9789042909052 , 2001 , Joop F.M. Smit
Foreign-Born African Americans: Silenced Voices in the Discourse on Race
ISBN 9781590331910 , 2002 , Festus E. Obiakor, Patrick A. Grant
InterViews: Learning the Craft of Qualitative Research Interviewing
ISBN 9780761925422 , 2008 , Steinar Kvale, Svend Brinkmann