Søk: 'Scandinavian perspectives on management consulting'
Nordic politics: comparative perspectives
ISBN 9788215006284 , 2004 , Knut Heidar,m.fl.
Beyond the Border War: New Perspectives on Southern Africa's Late-Cold War Conflicts
ISBN 9781868884568 , 2008 , Gary F. Baines, Peter C. J. Vale
Does Management Matter?: On Competencies and Competitive Advantage
ISBN 9780862383671 , 1995 , Torger Reve, Jay B. Barney, J. -C Spender
Changing work, changing workers: critical perspectives on language, literacy, and skills
ISBN 9780791432198 , 1997 , Glynda A. Hull, Glynda Huff
Operasjonsanalyse: management science
ISBN 9788215020822 , 2013 , Morten Helbæk
The Role of Inflection in Scandinavian Syntax
ISBN 9780195361902 , 1995 , m.fl.
Global environmental harm: criminological perspectives
ISBN 9781843927969 , 2010 , Rob White
Management Accounting: Decision Management
ISBN 9780750689588 , 2008
International Perspectives: Integration and Inclusion
ISBN 9781553393177 , 2012 , James S. Frideres, John Biles
A Visit To Iceland And The Scandinavian North
ISBN 9781419104046 , 2004 , Madame Ida Pfeiffer
Financial Institutions Management: A Risk Management Approach
ISBN 9781259010859 , 2014 , Anthony Saunders
Network Management: Concepts and Practice, a Hands-On Approach
ISBN 9780130329509 , 2003 , J.Richard Burke
Leadership and Organizational Culture: New Perspectives on Administrative Theory & Practice
ISBN 9780252013478 , 1984 , Thomas J. Sergiovanni, John E. Corbally
Legacy (PB): New Perspectives on the Battle of the Little Bighorn
ISBN 9780917298424 , 1996 , Charles E. Rankin
World Cinemas, Transnational Perspectives
ISBN 9780415976541 , 2007 , Nataša Durovicová, Kathlee Newman
Place reinvention: northern perspectives
ISBN 9780754674757 , 2009 , Torill Nyseth, Arvid Viken
Global Perspectives on Mental-physical Comorbidity in the WHO World Mental Health Surveys
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New Perspectives on Witchcraft, Magic, and Demonology: Witchcraft in the modern world
ISBN 9780815336747 , 2002 , Brian P. Levack
Operations Management
ISBN 9780273708476 , 2007 , Nigel Slack, Robert Johnston, Stuart Chambers,m.fl.
A Visit to Iceland and the Scandinavian North
ISBN 9781421905952 , 2005 , Ida Pfeiffer
Game Design Perspectives
ISBN 9781584500902 , 2002 , François Dominic Laramée
The Psychology of Legitimacy: Emerging Perspectives on Ideology, Justice, and Intergroup Relations
ISBN 9780521786997 , 2001 , John T. Jost, Brenda Major
Human Resource Management
ISBN 9780077140892 , 2012 , Patrick M. Wright, Raymond Andrew Noe,m.fl.
Academic and Workplace Sexual Harassment: A Handbook of Cultural, Social Science, Management, and Legal Perspectives
ISBN 9781607520764 , 2009 , Greenwood, Patricia J. Gumport
Marketing Management
ISBN 9780136009986 , 2009 , Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane Keller, Phil Kotler
Perspectives on Philosophy of Science in Nursing: An Historical and Contemporary Anthology
ISBN 9780781712019 , 1998 , E. Carol Polifroni, Marylouise Welch
Early childbearing: perspectives of Black adolescents on pregnancy, abortion, and contraception
ISBN 9780803952829 , 1993 , Ellen W. Freeman, Karl Rickels
Aid for Trade: Global and Regional Perspectives: 2nd World Report on Regional Integration
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Marketing Management
ISBN 9780273718567 , 2009 , Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane Keller
Stigma: notes on the management of spoiled identity
ISBN 9780671622442 , 1986 , Erving Goffman