Søk: 'Service Quality in Leisure and Tourism'
European working environment in figures: availability and quality of occupational health and safety data in sixteen European countries
ISBN 9789282765524 , 1996 , m.fl.
Service og samferdsel vg1: temaoppgaver
ISBN 9788211012531 , 2009 , Alf H. Øyen, Lars Ottesen, Per Nørgaard,m.fl.
Service og samferdsel vg1: ressursbok
ISBN 9788211012555 , 2009 , Alf H. Øyen, Lars Ottesen, Anja Hovland,m.fl.
Salgsfaget vg3: service og samferdsel vg3
ISBN 9788245013757 , 2013 , Bengt E. Olsen, Per E. Nørgaard
Sal, service og tryggleik: for grunnkurs sal og service
ISBN 9788278021781 , 2001 , Alf H. Øyen, Lars Ottesen, Nils Petter Johnsrud,m.fl.
Computed tomography: physical principles, clinical applications, and quality control
ISBN 9780721681733 , 2001 , Euclid Seeram
Understanding the Sustainable Development of Tourism
ISBN 9781906884130 , 2010 , Janne J. Liburd, Deborah Edwards
National and regional tourism planning: methodologies and case studies
ISBN 9781861525796 , 1994 , Edward Inskeep,m.fl.
Tourism, Tourists & Society: Tutor's Manual
ISBN 9781854502339 , 2003 , Richard Sharpley
Tourism Planning: Basecs, Concepts, Cases
ISBN 9780415932691 , 2002
English for International Tourism
ISBN 9780582298514 , 1997 , Peter Strutt, Miriam Jacob
Service og samferdsel vg1
ISBN 9788278022672 , 2006 , Alf H. Øyen, Lars Ottesen, Anja Hovland,m.fl.
Service og samferdsel vg1
ISBN 9788278022719 , 2006 , Alf H. Øyen, Lars Ottesen, Per Nørgaard
The Tourist: A New Theory of the Leisure Class
ISBN 9780520218925 , 1999 , Dean MacCannell, Lucy R. Lippard
Essays on the Quality of Life
ISBN 9789048163045 , 2010 , A.C. Michalos
Sikkerhet: for programområdet salg, service og sikkerhet i utdanningsprogrammet service og samferdsel
ISBN 9788278023297 , 2008 , Tom Rødbøl
Model-Based Development and Evolution of Information Systems: A Quality Approach
ISBN 9781447129363 , 2012 , John Krogstie
National and regional tourism planning: methodologies and case studies
ISBN 9780415109901 , 1994 , World Tourism Organization, Edward Inskeep
Culture, Tourism, and Development: The Case of Ireland
ISBN 9780853233695 , 1994 , Ullrich Kockel
The Quality of Qualitative Research
ISBN 9780761955986 , 1999 , Clive Seale
Salg og service VK1
ISBN 9788278022184 , 2002 , Alf H. Øyen, Lars Ottesen, Nils Petter Johnsrud
A history of managing for quality: the evolution, trends, and future directions of managing for quality
ISBN 9780873893411 , 1995 , Joseph M. Juran
Access, Quality and Satisfaction With Care: Concerns of Patients, Providers and Insurers
ISBN 9780762313204 , 2007 , Jennie Jacobs Kronenfeld
English for International Tourism Intermediate New Edition Coursebook and DVD-ROM Pack
ISBN 9781447923831 , 2013 , Peter Strutt
Service Management: Operations, Strategy, Information Technology
ISBN 9781259010651 , 2013 , Mona J. Fitzsimmons, James A. Fitzsimmons
Management, Marketing and the Political Economy of Travel and Tourism
ISBN 9781871916607 , 2000 , Mike Robinson
Financial Accounting for the Hospitality, Tourism and Retail Sectors
ISBN 9781842180907 , 2005 , Alice Luby, Donncha O'Donoghue
Voices Of Strong Democracy: Concepts And Models For Service-learning In Communication Studies
ISBN 9781563770128 , 1999 , American Association for Higher Education,m.fl.
Managing Quality: Integrating the Supply Chain
ISBN 9780132206440 , 2007 , S. Thomas Foster
Mail Surveys: Improving the Quality
ISBN 9780803946637 , 1995 , Thomas W. Mangione