Søk: 'Shipping Strategy: Innovating for Success'
China and the Developing World: Beijing's Strategy for the Twenty-First Century
ISBN 9780765617132 , 2007 , Joshua Eisenman, Eric Heginbotham, Derek Mitchell,m.fl.
Contemporary Strategy Analysis and Cases: Text and Cases
ISBN 9780470747094 , 2010 , Robert M. Grant
Matematikk for økonomi og samfunnsfag
ISBN 9788276348675 , 2010 , Frank Tolcsiner
Manufacturing Strategy: The Research Agenda for the Next Decade
ISBN 9780792390657 , 1990
Soft Power: The Means to Success in World Politics
ISBN 9781586483067 , 2005 , Jr. Nye Joseph S.
Exploring Corporate Strategy: Text Only
ISBN 9780273687399 , 2004 , Gerry Johnson, Kevan Scholes, Richard Whittington
The Economics of Business Strategy
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Environment and Statecraft : The Strategy of Environmental Treaty-Making: The Strategy of Environmental Treaty-Making
ISBN 9780199286096 , 2005 , Scott Barrett
The Positive Sum Strategy: Harnessing Technology for Economic Growth
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Management of strategy: concepts and cases
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Customer Relationship Management: Concept, Strategy, and Tools
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China and the developing world: Beijing's strategy for the twenty-first century
ISBN 9780765617125 , 2007 , Joshua Eisenman, Eric Heginbotham, Derek Mitchell
Internet marketing: strategy, implementation and practice
ISBN 9780273717409 , 2008 , Dave Chaffey, Fiona Ellis-chadwick, Richard Mayer,m.fl.
Economics of Strategy, 5th Edition International Student Version
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Globalisation, policy, and shipping: Fordism, post-Fordism and the European Union maritime sector
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Veiledning for barnehagelærere
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Creative Strategy in Advertising
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Studyguide for Contemporary Strategy Analysis: Concepts, Techniques, Applications by Grant, ISBN 9781405163095
ISBN 9781428864498 , 2008 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews
The European roe deer: the biology of success
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The Traveller's Gift: Seven Decisions That Determine Personal Success
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Success Built to Last: Creating a Life That Matters
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Art Through Innovation: Success Through Innovation the Ideo Way
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Services Marketing: People, Technology, Strategy
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Matematik for lærerstuderende - Delta
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The Financial Times Guide to Strategy: How to Create And Deliver a Winning Strategy
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Operations Strategy: Competing in the 21st Century
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Guanxi and Business Strategy: Theory and Implications for Multinational Companies in China
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